Search results

  1. WalterHartwellWhite

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Gustavo White 'Cook'

    Its's been moved to 16 weeks for some reason.
  2. WalterHartwellWhite

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Gustavo White 'Cook'
  3. WalterHartwellWhite

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Gustavo White 'Cook'
  4. WalterHartwellWhite

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Gustavo White 'Cook'

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: Gustavo White 'Cook' Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559032737 Ban Reason: Toxicity Date of ban: 1/13/2025 Who banned you: Holland Ban length: 1 Day What will you do to stop this from happening again: Ban was bullshit...