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  1. sunburntsky

    Accepted Dissallowing usage of the inventory while arrested.

    -support what do you mean I can't have 12 knifes hidden in my pocket truly yours MTF-E11 CSG Brick "KnifeMan" John
  2. sunburntsky

    How has yawl's day been?

    no Kindly MTF E11 CSG Brick "KnifeMan" John
  3. sunburntsky

    Accepted Adding a "Are you sure?" to the clipboard deletion.

    +support MTF-E11 CSG Brick "KnifeMan" John
  4. sunburntsky

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:545951734 Discord name: sunburntsky64 For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 9 months Age: 16 In what country are you located?: America Time zone: EST Character name(s): Brick "KnifeMan" John [FR-NCO] Civilian name: Creig Morkson What server are you applying for...
  5. sunburntsky

    Selling flip knife tiger tooth

    I won't buy it for $-1
  6. sunburntsky

    how to get a life

    no it cost something called grass I think? don't know what that is though.
  7. sunburntsky

    how to get a life

    don't (y) sincerely MTF-E11 CSG Brick "KnifeMan" John ABT-PSC Samantha Reeds