What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Tox
Date of ban: 02/08/25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: 1 week changes to 2 due to unfair extension
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Tox
Date of ban: 02/08/25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: Originally (1 week) unfair extension (2 weeks)...
I understand that it may look bad but I had 0 intent of making that image in that sort of concept. I know it’s not allowed but I never had that intent or thought process in making “that” specifically. That night we made a bunch of art including animals, murals, and portraits. I had been taking...
I know man and I’m sorry but my intention was not to just draw that if you have the clip you can hear the conversation we are having. The entire time in dblock we would look up portaits of people and recreate them simply off of the first image on google. One of them was talking about banksy so I...
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity
Date of ban: 2-08-25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: 1 week
What will you do to stop this from happening again...
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