Search results

  1. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Executive Researcher Application 'Gamemaker'

    Major +Support - Great RP - Very active - Previous experience - Already fulfills some of the duties of an Executive - A lot of good project ideas
  2. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Harvey Bridger's 5th Site Advisor Application

    +Support A really nice guy :D I enjoy talking to him and I think he would be great for the position Also knows how to do good RP
  3. Reiner Zephyran

    Cuddles 22415 App UK

    +Support Yes.
  4. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Harvey Bridgers Attempt for Reassignment to ECM

    +Support Very friendly guy, haven't heard a single bad thing about you yet. I hope you get it, good luck!
  5. Reiner Zephyran

    Content Suggestion SCP-RP Simulation / Training room

    +Support I would love to see something like that. Areas being locked just because there is a training is really annoying
  6. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK-SCPRP] Hamster's Security Chief application.

    +Support - Friendly - Has done some good RP - Has a lot of experience in different areas and knows how to use that experience - Hampter
  7. Reiner Zephyran

    Partially Accepted Type-Blue/Thaumaturge Changes.

    + Support I like the necromancy part (And I love the removal of Insta-Kill)
  8. Reiner Zephyran

    Hamster's Executive Researcher application(SCP-RP UK)

    + Support - Friendly - Previous Cl4 Experience - Has done some good RP tests - Hampter
  9. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Executive Application 'Gamemaker'

    + Support - Good roleplayer - Friendly - Has some RP planned for the near future and I would love to see it - Cl 4 Experience - Pumpkin Head
  10. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Director of Research Application

    +Support - I'm pretty sure you still owe me a hailstorm
  11. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Chairman Application

    +Support - Executed me :D - Does a good job
  12. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Exec. Researcher application

    +Support - I have witnessed a lot of good and funny RP scenarios (682 term test, our 9384 testing) - Good at writing documents -Good application
  13. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Executive researcher - Jesse Soul

    +Support - I need him as Exec :D
  14. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] O5-4 'The Hollow'

    +Support - If he doesnt get it F3 will be raided - It's Dennid (Sadly not The 'Dennid')
  15. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] O5-4 "The Second Horseman" #2

    +Support -War -Good RP
  16. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    Major +Support -A lot of experience -Good RP