Search results

  1. "Toomas"

    Denied Gauss replaces T-90a

    -Support Wouldnt fit in with the USSR theme. Is more meant for NWO. + The gauss turret lift was kinda op. + Its buggy + MG doesnt have sound and has to reload (Others dont) Gauss literally drove the exact same way. Nobody liked this tank back in the day. You have got more content then 17th :D
  2. "Toomas"

    [UK] Chillet's NATO High Command Application

    +Support Actually does something
  3. "Toomas"

    [UK] Toomas' Special Agent Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:527087754 Discord name: eksootilinepost For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1.5-2 Years. Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Estonia Time zone: +3 GMT Character name(s): "Toomas", 'Infiltrator', "Finnish" Civilian name: Thumas What server are you applying for...
  4. "Toomas"

    Saint's MRP GM application

    +Support Bro is a straight up cooker, Gordon Ramsay up in this shit!!?
  5. "Toomas"

    Thou has returned.

    The great leader is back! At your service!
  6. "Toomas"

    NATO Health Survey Results - Q1 2024

    It should be ER leader who spawns with an rpg tbh ?
  7. "Toomas"

    The time has come

    Pretty deserved tbh
  8. "Toomas"

    Dr TailSkipper NHC Application?!

    -Support Someone who is unable to lead 17th should not become NHC.
  9. "Toomas"

    [uk] gales gamemaster app.

    -Support Application is lacking + have not seen a single event from you on MRP
  10. "Toomas"

    Denied Add MRP akin perks

    -Support Unneeded, the system would not fit SCP. The levels on MRP give more stamina, grenades and some jobs which is something what SCP does not need.
  11. "Toomas"

    Denied Add MRP akin perks

    +/- Neutral As an MRP player i have no idea what you are yapping about
  12. "Toomas"

    Denied Bring back USSR

    +Support Something what 95% of the server want back and would fix multiple problems with the server and community overall.
  13. "Toomas"

    Accepted Mission thing

    +Support Gives HC more things to do during peacetimes.
  14. "Toomas"

    Jason M.'s NHC Application

    +Support He is Polish and angry
  15. "Toomas"

    Accepted RC and SC and NHC Perms to whitelist

    +Support With the lack of staff (quite common), would help to get new people to stay on the server and improve server health in total.
  16. "Toomas"

    Walter Piecebury Staff Application

    +Support + Greatest 1stAL CO + Alot of experience - Severly inactive (jk lol)
  17. "Toomas"

    Gambit's MRP Staff Application

    +Support Bro is an actual cooker. He is Gordon Ramsay
  18. "Toomas"

    Saphira leaving the network

    Bro was the worst O-1 SGT o7