Search results

  1. Ventz

    Developer - Artist Application Format

    Developer Application Format Information & Requirements Developer is not a staff rank, and has authority equal to that of a regular user. Developers do not engage in staff matters, do not take sits, and cannot apply for staff while holding the rank of Developer. Existing staff of the rank of...
  2. Ventz

    [SCP-RP] Suggestion Format

    Purpose of Suggestions Suggestions allow the community to put forward their ideas and thoughts for potential additions/changes/removals of features or systems. Suggestions are usually regarding in-game content, however a suggestion could also relate to other platforms such as discord...
  3. Ventz

    SCP-RP Rules

    Civil Networks SCP-RP Rules Foreword Our SCP-RP server is a Roleplay server, meaning you must assume the identity of the character you are playing at all times. In an SCP-RP environment your character's actions should be guided by their motives and reason, and you should react to scenarios in...
  4. Ventz

    Developer - Mapping Application Format

    Mapper Application Format Information & Requirements Mapper is not a staff rank, and has authority equal to that of a regular user. Mappers do not engage in staff matters, do not take sits, and cannot apply for staff while holding the rank of Developer. Existing staff of the rank of Admin...
  5. Ventz

    New VGuns Sights

    All the new sights to be added to CG and MRP (probably) soon
  6. Ventz

    VGuns Opinions

    Hello I would like feedback from CG players regarding re-adding VGuns. This thread has a Poll question on it. FYI: VGuns has a new feature which allows superadmins to totally change the handling of guns ingame in just a few minutes, so re-adding VGuns would mean we can use this to quickly...
  7. Ventz

    Staff List

    Owner Ventz Community Manager Yeke Community Supervisor Rushi Canoon Requis Auburn SCP-RP Server Structure Military RP Server Structure Server Leadership SCP-RP USA SCP-RP UK MilitaryRP UK Super Admin Super Admin Super Admin Johnathan Doe Derek Raixin Sven Sky Naffen...
  8. Ventz

    Clothing & Weapon Skins Rules

    Clothing / Weapon Skins - Rules & Requirements All textures must be kept PG - no foul language, gore, or content that is pornographic or could be taken as such should be present. Skins should be high-effort and look 'decent'. Here are some things that may result in your skin being rejected...
  9. Ventz


    Leaving? Leaving? It's sad to see you go... :( Before you go, leave a message to the rest of the community, and who knows, maybe you'll return someday ? Please try to keep drama out of your leaving post, they're here for saying your goodbyes and getting well wishes from the community - not...
  10. Ventz

    Forum Tags

    Requesting Forum Tags Just post here if you haven't got the right forum tag and what tag you want. Here is a little application form. Format In-game Name: Steam ID: Tags Missing: Provide evidence that you are entitled to the tag! For VIPs, this means a screenshot of your donation panel...
  11. Ventz

    Official - Fix 'Missing Map'

    How to fix the missing map error 1. Go to your garrysmod/garrysmod directory 2. Go to downloads/maps and find your specific map name and delete the file/filles stated in your connection error. 3. Launch GMOD and join the server If this still doesn't work go to your GMOD settings>Other and...
  12. Ventz

    Official - Collecting Evidence for Refunds

    Refund Evidence If the server has crashed and it is not your fault, you could be owed millions of in refunds. This short and rather simple guide will guarantee you a refund in the event of a server crash. Original post...
  13. Ventz

    Fix Broken Radios

    Original Post: Hi, Recently a lot of people (including me) were complaining about the DJ radios not working. Now, thanks to Cobain and I, we'll give you the way to...
  14. Ventz

    Official - Forum Styleguide

    Font size 22 bold post title Unformatted white subtitle with some short extra information about the thread Font size 22 bold primary section header Font size 15 bold secondary section header Unordered lists always use the formatted bullet list. The color we use for headers is #f24d4d Lists...
  15. Ventz

    Posting a Tutorial?

    Posting a Tutorial Feel free to post your own tutorials in the Tutotials form but please follow the rules Criteria Must be to do with in-game server features. Must be well made and comprehensive. Must explain the topic fully, try to consider what somebody with no expertise would be able to...
  16. Ventz

    MilitaryRP Demotion Appeal Format

    MilitaryRP Demotion Appeal 1. Appeal rules Follow the format. You must provide all information. Complaints against staff should be made in the Complaints section. Don't bump your demotion appeal unless you are responding to a question / disputing a staff comment. Don't advertise your appeal...
  17. Ventz

    Teamspeak/Discord Ban Appeal Format

    Teamspeak Appeals Your teamspeak name: Date of ban (if known): Reason for ban (if known): Who banned you?: Prior to this, have you ever been banned off teamspeak?: Why should we remove your ban from teamspeak? (50 words minimal): Discord Appeals Include [Network], [DarkRP]...
  18. Ventz

    Developer - Addons Application Format

    Developer Application Format Information & Requirements Developer is not a staff rank, and has authority equal to that of a regular user. Developers do not engage in staff matters, do not take sits, and cannot apply for staff while holding the rank of Developer. Existing staff of the rank of...
  19. Ventz

    MilitaryRP Gamemaster Application Format

    MilitaryRP Gamemaster Application Introduction The GM Team are an integral part of the server, responsible for excellent roleplay that is carried out on a day to day basis. Their main job is to ensure people are having fun on the server at all times, and to assist in creating roleplay...
  20. Ventz

    MRP: Staff Application Guidelines

    Application Guidelines 1. Recruitment rules You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied. You may also fail your interview. You must be at least 15 years old before creating a moderator application. 14 year olds who have played for a long time and feel they...