Search results

  1. Rav/GhostBird

    PAC Approved CI pac request

    [] Full view of the model with idle animation The fall of "Rav Uchiha" CI-████ ████ "Rav Uchiha" ████ near death experience during an exfil on a failed raid attempt on the foundation. "Rav...
  2. Rav/GhostBird

    PAC Request Pac request for CI RnD/chemist Full view of the model don't plan on using this while raiding just something to use for base, any events and surface and getting SCP's on surface Former Foundation Researcher Current Position...
  3. Rav/GhostBird

    CI "Rav Uchiha" Shows the model here Personnel File Code Name - "Rav" Bio GhostBird's lost brother Birth Records- Unknown Height- 6'0 Weight- 185 pounds Rank - Beta Regiment - Enlisted Insurgents Backstory -...
  4. Rav/GhostBird

    Ban Appeal

    Your in-game name: "Rav" Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:729288221 Your steam community link: Date of ban: April 10, around 1:25 pm EST What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): RDM, We were chilling in CI Bunks having a...
  5. Rav/GhostBird

    Denied Researcher "GhostBird"

    Personnel File Code Name - "GhostBird" Bio GhostBird' Birth Records- Unknown Height- 6'0 Weight- 185 pounds Rank - None Regiment - Foundation Backstory - GhostBird is Rav's long lost brother, ever since the war that happened in their home town they where separated as children. Both of their...
  6. Rav/GhostBird

    CI-B "Rav" [GG] April 2nd, 9:32 pm Personnel File...
  7. Rav/GhostBird

    Remove NHU or Nerf it so you can't do combat with it

    Makes CI raids unfair an boring because you'll have mtf phase in through the doors stabbing everyone an forces people to switch their gun for a knife which is a huge disadvantage because the others following behind the NHU ones will be armed blasting at the ones without a gun, I think it's cool...
  8. Rav/GhostBird

    SCP-RP Moderator Application-USA

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): ChingedYou How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): About 7 months Age: 22 In what country are you located?: US/NY Time zone: EST Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): "GhostBIrd"...
  9. Rav/GhostBird

    GhostBird Captain application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:729288221 Discord name: GhostBird #0098 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 400+ hours Age: 22 In what country are you located?: US NY Time zone: NY east coast Character name(s): GhostBird Civilian name: [PAM-HvG]chill What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...
  10. Rav/GhostBird

    Security captain application

    Wensday, Nov 2 6:32 pm