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  1. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    I have so far went a little into the forums I have spent 7 hours messing with the files and maps, downloading, uninstalling, restarting I do not know what to do, it either freezes on the map cite 65 or freezes on Digital 7. This is draining me, does anyone know what to do?
  2. Roosters

    Ban Appeal for trying to change my name.

    Game name: Tom Petty Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561199447333977 Date of ban: 2-22-2023 Ban reason: NITRP Who banned you: "Mr. Fix it" (STEAM_0:0:33932575 Ban length: 1 day Server: SCP-RP USA Rules: I have been warned other times...