Search results

  1. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Dennid's Moderator Application #2

    +Support CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  2. Johnson J. Marauder

    best COM?

    fucking god tier list
  3. Johnson J. Marauder

    Its been a long time coming...

    o7 bro we cooked on that puzzle CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  4. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Broda's SGM Resignation Appeal

    +Support Played a major part in the MC&D storyline one of the best I've ever seen let this man cook CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  5. Johnson J. Marauder

    Aspen/Lisbon's Goodbye till i come back again

    o7 get well soon my man CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  6. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] O5-1 "The Sycophant" Application

    +Support CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  7. Johnson J. Marauder

    Goodbye from Athena

    come back -1 is open
  8. Johnson J. Marauder

    Lequises massive goodbye

    we do not care
  9. Johnson J. Marauder

    Lequises massive goodbye

  10. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Biscuit's Second Site Advisor Application

    +Support - Improved - Experienced CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  11. Johnson J. Marauder

    Accepted Faction Vehicle Addition

    +Support CI-C COM Johnson J. Marauder Alpha-1 CSG
  12. Johnson J. Marauder

    Hey guys

    shut up
  13. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    +Huge Support - Amazing RP - Active - Experienced
  14. Johnson J. Marauder

    gonna miss you man :(

    gonna miss you man :(
  15. Johnson J. Marauder

    Denied Add nitroglycerin back to 914 as a very fine recipe

    +Support There was a reason they removed it, since some people misused it and used it on humans and it would be way too op i remember nitroing so many Nu7 but im not against it add it back fr Some funny nitro trolling when it was...
  16. Johnson J. Marauder

    Otter's Fantastic Q&A

    The CI base is way too cold could you give us some floorheating? CI-C COM Alpha-1 CSG
  17. Johnson J. Marauder

    Hello, I'm returning!

  18. Johnson J. Marauder

    ur about me isnt funny dude....

    ur about me isnt funny dude....