Search results

  1. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Jay Brown's captain application.

    -/+ Neutral Leaning -Support ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Active -Good interactions ================================================== -Low detailed application -Misunderstood question regarding lore and answered incorrectly...
  2. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Jimmy Swan Director of Research application

    Major + Support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Efficient experiences as an executive researcher -Effective and engaging RP creation developed -High amount of Educational engagement towards lower class...
  3. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] 'Gamemaker' Director of Research Application.

    Major + Support ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Effective contribution and creation of RP within the research department -Effective projects and documentation Creations completed -Experienced...
  4. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Director of External Affairs Application

    +support ////////////////////////////////////// -active -professional -great application -loads of experience -previous sr.cl4 experience //////////////////////////////////////
  5. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Jack Raider's re-employment as an OSA

    Major + support ////////////////////////////////////////// -experienced cl4 -good application -active -more than qualified -good interactions /////////////////////////////////////////
  6. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Harry Nolan's / 'Defender's ECA Application [UK]

    +support //////////////////////////////////////// -active -professional -good application -good interactions ////////////////////////////////////////
  7. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Drew "Lucky" 's Spec Agent App [UK]

    +support /////////////////////////////////////////////////// -active -professional -Good application -good interactions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Reiner's 2nd Executive Application

    +support ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Active -Professional -Previous Exec -Previous cl4 experience -Good interactions -Like the lore ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Executive Researcher Application

    Major + support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Multiple excellent graded documentation at high standard -High amount of creative and unique research conducted within the department -Utilizing game...
  10. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    The legendary Alex Bones DoISD Application [UK]

    +support ////////////////////////////////////// -Active -Professional -Good interactions -Good application //////////////////////////////////////
  11. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Vetkoek's Chief of Security Application

    +support ////////////////////////////////////// -Active -Professional -Good interactions -Good application //////////////////////////////////////
  12. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Lukas 'Snuu' Thybo's UK Inspector Application

    +support /////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Professional -Good interactions -active --------------------------- - quite a short application however, since this is your first its still shows potential (Ps , add UK in the tital of the application)...
  13. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Executive Researcher Application 'Gamemaker'

    +support ////////////////////////////////////////// -active -professional -good application -good interactions -unqiue idea to bring to the department //////////////////////////////////////////
  14. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Executive researcher application - Jesse Soul

    ;)its horrid but im making it better
  15. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    [UK] Executive researcher application - Jesse Soul

    <Date Logs><Scrip net applications> <Clearance 4 personal ONLY> Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? [Guess who's back, back again] Hello, I'm applying for the role as executive researcher Jesse Soul. Due to my own interest in the department again, recently after a long break from...
  16. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Brayan Murry OSA App <UK>

    +support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Good application -Professional -Good interactions -Like the LORE (That image on the lore is haunting)...
  17. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Jonathan 'Spectre' Hale Inspector Application [UK]

    -/+ Neutral //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - Minimal application effort - Low detail ====================== -Good interactions -Professional ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  18. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Dr. Nick Medical Consultant Application v2 (SCP RP-UK)

    +support ///////////////////////////////////////////////// -Good interactions -Active -Professional -Good application /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  19. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Ace's Captain Application -UK

    +support ////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Active -Professional (ish) -Overall good interactions -good application ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20. Jessy Soul [XD-4]

    Horizont's DEA Special Agent Application <UK>

    +support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Professional -Good application -Experienced -Previous Cl4 -Good interactions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////