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  1. 1-hour-ingame-and-got ban

    [USA] Alex's GSD CPT Application

    good guy every one loves him . he gets the job done .... and done right solid fella if you ask me
  2. 1-hour-ingame-and-got ban

    im really new to the server and only have maybe 1 hour of gameplay in the server never got warned for anything first sit that got called on me im ban

    can i higher up moderator plz have Mercy on a new player and give them a second chance for not knowing the rules i really did not understand what i was doing was wrong because i have never played a rp where you start off in jail i am be truthful im sorry if you don't believe me . it was my...
  3. 1-hour-ingame-and-got ban

    im really new to the server and only have maybe 1 hour of gameplay in the server never got warned for anything first sit that got called on me im ban

    yes but if you check the time frame every one was killing every one i was getting kill by other inmates over and over and i just thought that was the way the game was played so i did the same thing wither i was new or not has every thing to do with that on my life i did not think i was doing...
  4. 1-hour-ingame-and-got ban

    im really new to the server and only have maybe 1 hour of gameplay in the server never got warned for anything first sit that got called on me im ban

    Your in-game name: TAman Your SteamID:76561199059933897 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 02 01 1998 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): mrdm/toxicity Who banned you: Wild Ban length?:2 weeks What server...