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  1. Duke Morrow

    Denied Let GenSec SGT Give Credit

    Yeah, I don't get that at all. That's actually kind of insane.
  2. Duke Morrow

    Pending Review 682 Changes

    +Support -Make 682 great again!
  3. Duke Morrow

    Denied 106 new dimension

    +Support -The new dimension is a nightmare sometimes. It seems like there is no exit some of the time, the hallways are too narrow leading to congestion that leads to MRDM, and it's so unfun that people tend to afk until death.
  4. Duke Morrow

    Denied Let GenSec SGT Give Credit

    Credit approval seems reasonable. Although, if a SGT is just going around giving credit to everyone for no reason, they should be bumped down to Officer anyway.
  5. Duke Morrow

    Denied Let GenSec SGT Give Credit

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Allows SGT to use !credit Possibly with an approval system similar to Jr Researcher Could also require evidence that the sweep took place for approval to be given (seems overkill for a whitelist job) Has something similar been suggested before? If...
  6. Duke Morrow

    Denied Add a cooldown timer to the Primary HCZ Entrance elevator

    What does this suggestion add: Adds a cooldown to the button functionality on the elevator leading to HCZ. Not a long one. Maybe 5 seconds or so. Possible Positives of the suggestion: Could prevent people from getting stuck inside the elevator shaft behind the door at the top because someone...