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  1. Boatzy

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    -support personally type blue is op and should never really try and escape they are better at killing/helping escapes due to decay and the way they regenerate. however i think type blue is better for dblock if played by someone who knows how to use it i do feel like it is wasted quite a bit but...
  2. Boatzy

    Denied NU-7 Medic Access to !medic

    im not asking for NU7 to take the job away but more medic options for surface personnel and ability to do it if no one else present or not currently involved with anything
  3. Boatzy

    Denied NU-7 Medic Access to !medic

    That's why it would be used upon the surface maybe add a station up there. nu7 wouldn't really respond to someone asking for a medic at med bay it would be used more in unique situations like doing it for other NU-7 or the people they are escorting not just your nu-7 can you do this
  4. Boatzy

    Denied NU-7 Medic Access to !medic

    Code: What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Ability for NU-7 Medic to use !medic/add a !medic place in floor 2 or near garage area Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): More fast response for nu-7 units when in break from combat to get back on there feet Make it so in case...
  5. Boatzy

    [UK] Murlon/Hallowgrave Moderator Application

    +rep +thousands of hours and experience +cool and friendly guy to talk to +RP is 10/10