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  1. Xiang Lao

    Denied Mayor & Ranger Simple Rework

    Polite Bump on this thread
  2. Xiang Lao

    selling class E amnestics

    What is the total amount you have?
  3. Xiang Lao

    Denied Making the Primary HCZ Elevator time less

    - Support The current ride time is appropriate. The average elevator ride is 10-90 seconds, even longer if you're in New York at an average of 118 seconds. While it's hard to measure the distance, let's guess the elevator shaft is 10 stories or 100 feet tall. At your proposal for half-time of...
  4. Xiang Lao

    Denied Ranger & Mayor Rework

    -support My reasoning for this is we do not need more bureaucracy and politics in these kinds of roles. It's one of the few "teams" in the server that doesn't require a whitelist other than a donation. By not implementing this, we can avoid the problems of bureaucracy, politics and corruption...
  5. Xiang Lao

    Denied Give combat medics elastic restraints on spawn

    - Support. Combat medics should stay medics.
  6. Xiang Lao

    Denied SCP-096 Bucket FailRP Adjustment

    +Support FYI in the lore, 096 is close to 9 feet tall. Would be very unrealistic to try to bucket 096 while he is in rage mode. How are you going to even reach the top of his head and put it on without looking
  7. Xiang Lao

    Denied Mayor & Ranger Simple Rework

    FYI: This is very different from the "Ranger and Mayor Rework" thread previously posted prior to this. What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Give the Mayor and Ranger back sweps/commands from the DarkRP code (Which is already in the server) in order to RP more effectively and...
  8. Xiang Lao

    Banned for reporting someone for using the N-word

    Fanboy, I do not understand your reasoning. It appears you don't like my directness in addressing what word was said. Regardless if I started the accusation with "He said a racist word" At the end of the day as part of your due diligence in being a moderator, you would've had to find out...
  9. Xiang Lao

    Banned for reporting someone for using the N-word

    Your in-game name: Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:38111415 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 8/6/2023 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): "Severe Toxicity" Who banned you: Fredrick Ban length?: 2 weeks What server...