If game mechanics aren't the solution, ruleplay isn't the solution and neither is properly informing the playerbase (all which in themselves are something of monumental, if not impossible tasks to accomplish sufficiently), then that leaves nothing else. That covers every conceivable direction...
A mechanical method of displaying FearRP is not the method to countering it... It sounds too harsh and could very easily be exploited just from the mere title of this change
New Mexico, Texas & California ONLY for Santa Cruz................... Florida also gets it but it sucks if u dont plan a loan or you're generally a bum
Why do people just cry and cry and cry and soy and complain all the time instead of reporting things….
I think document raiding is a staple to what Intelligence units do, and it’s a huge gathering of information at the end. Only one issue is, you can either do the following as a Deep Cover...
While Aki has been an active member of the community, there are several concerns regarding his suitability for a staff position. Notably, his performance as a NATO player has been criticized, with some describing it as subpar. Additionally, there are apprehensions about the overall...
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