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  1. Rolfo

    Denied Remove the bloodscreen on spawning in

    +Support Though this can be manually disabled as Chillet mentioned above
  2. Rolfo

    Stefan's Demotion Appeal

    My interactions with you recently has completely changed my opinion on you. I originally left a +support using my memory of you in the now distant past but clearly you have changed since then.
  3. Rolfo

    Spartans NHC Application

    Neutral (Leaning -Support) On the times I have been on NATO, you constantly interrupt NHC on voice amp and disregard most people giving advice to you. Although you have a passion to lead, I can't leave as positive support on your application.
  4. Rolfo

    LoftLivers GM Application

    +Support Event ideas have a lot of potential with low information and there is no problem with giving him a chance to show his creativity
  5. Rolfo

    Stefan's Demotion Appeal

    -Support Extremely argumentative in OOC and has a tendency of not following rules which are qualities staff members should not show.
  6. Rolfo

    Denied Add Rule 3.16 IFV Shooting Helis

    -Support Shooting helis with IFV causes slightly more lag, but it mostly lags by just shooting at anything. Although as an ATR and JAF I hate having this lag, there is nothing we can do apart from complete removal which I doubt will happen.
  7. Rolfo

    Smith's leaving post

  8. Rolfo

    Accepted Add the Illness system from SCP to MRP (with slight tweaks)

    +Support If it is not active during war then I am all for it
  9. Rolfo

    Gambit 'Chaos' Dingle SC application

    we already function perfectly fine without a co team and consistently perform well
  10. Rolfo

    Accepted Partially Restricted Wars

    Neutral If SWB and JAF had access to the recon job then I would agree to this but, since our kit is almost empty, I can't leave a +support but I understand the point made in your suggestion
  11. Rolfo

    Gambit 'Chaos' Dingle SC application

    +Support Leads whenever necessary and is generally successful Has been a sole part of SWB staying relevant Empty RC spot with lack of CO since he won't get it (please don't give Kaz RC)
  12. Rolfo

    Accepted Remove spawned heli button (staff only)

    -support just wait for them to rr it plus i don't think this can be implemented
  13. Rolfo

    Dmitri Parkov SC app

    +Support Who could be better for SC than Axel
  14. Rolfo

    Denied Certain illegal tac insert locations (not rallys)

    -Support You can destroy tacs with drones (literally saved you in the baseraid twice)