Search results

  1. Marcus Sneefo

    [US] Kaii C. "Cat" Emile's Special Agent Application

    +support friendly, active held incredible lecture on cqc the other day
  2. Marcus Sneefo

    [USA] O5-4 'The Curator'

  3. Marcus Sneefo

    Name ideas for O5 council

    "The Infinite" "The Divine"
  4. Marcus Sneefo

    Malik's OSA Application [USA]

    my mans got banned and lost his wl so hes acting like a jealous ex 💀 ______________________________________________________________ +support
  5. Marcus Sneefo

    [USA] Dredd's OSA Application

    +support professional, friendly and fair 👌
  6. Marcus Sneefo

    Bring back the techie quest NPC

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This is a plea to bring back the old tech expert NPC in techie spawn handing out job related quests to repair X doors/computers/cameras used to be there ~8months ago but was removed for some reason Has something similar been suggested before? If so...
  7. Marcus Sneefo

    [USA] 'Forge' Executive researcher application

    +support greatest mind of our time
  8. Marcus Sneefo

    [USA] Alexander Montgomery's OSA app

  9. Marcus Sneefo

    The end

    o7 Fool have a good one funnest nu7 member
  10. Marcus Sneefo

    Denied Enforcement/Breacher Weapon Checkers

    +support arbitrary restriction
  11. Marcus Sneefo

    Content Suggestion SCP Surface "Press F2" Rework

    +support but bigger money reward imo scp and d-boy needs bigger incentive to press f2, right now its just a ltarp button as there is no reason to press it giving scp giga rewards in return for a shorter breach seems good for server helth (especially in downtime) F2 zone sounds like a fun idea
  12. Marcus Sneefo

    Medical Consultant App [The Return Pt 2] USA

    +giga support Tony back?? Amazing consultant YES
  13. Marcus Sneefo

    [USA] Maxwelli's 2nd Executive Researcher Application.

    +support Friendly, helpful, active, great rp. Deserved