Denied 035's very legal union plan

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

1.) 035 hp increase to 3000
2.) Give 035 his own swep that can both harm and can brainwash people (max: 3 people) (30 sec cooldown) (50% for a1 and 01) (1% for ert and 05) (Will not be able to brainwash anyone for the first 4 mins of him getting a host to avoid ruining a test.)
3.) When 035 dies, his mask will drop, and overtime the influence on putting on the mask will become stronger unless you put it in a special box
4.)A special box will be placed in e11 spawn and somewhere in pw core.
5.) increase scp lev to 10 instead of 0
6.) Give 035 a breach swep that only breaches 049 and a normal breach swep to breach another scp. (To balance this, 035 will most likely be unable to grab hacking device, either that or just double the amount of time on how long it will take for 035 to breach the scp with a breach tool.)
7.) Also 035 will be the only scp that can activate the nuke, but he must either brainwash an 05 or must be possessing an 05 member.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Give more lore for 035 and a little bit for 049
-Allows 035 to have the ability to defend himself.
-Gives 035 another chance.
-Makes its a fun class to have for both combat and rp
-035's union plan :0 (joke)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-May be somehow too op for foundation
-Will take some time
-no one wants an 035's union plan ;-; (joke)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The reason why i am making this suggestion is obviously because the class is shit and very very under buff. This can also bring lore and rp for 035 as its the most commonly used scp for testing. It has been know also that 035 is able to brainwash/influence people into either helping him escape, putting on the mask, or making them kill themself thus the reason why i made the suggestion of 035 being able to brain wash up to 3, however to avoid 035 from getting 3 a1 or 01, there will be a 50% chance that it will work on the a1/o1 or they will resist his influence. There is also a 1% chance for ert being brainwashed because its ert, now as for the reason why 05 member are 1% is because if this get accept 035 will be allowed to activate the nuke if he has possession of the door code or is possessing and 05 member, thus the reason why 05 is a 1% chance in being brain wash and because they have anomalous powers to resist 035 influence. Also if you do +support this please upvote it too.

can't wait to see 40 -support +support on this

Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Evil,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The community does not approve of your suggestion.
At the same time this would make 035 too strong.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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