Denied 049 Changes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
incease the zombie limit for 049 (currently 8), OR increase the damage and hp of 049-2 (or a mix of the 2)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I don't know there's 50 pages of resolved suggestions

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1- Makes 049 more of a threat, forces response teams to deal with him before there's too many zombies. Because currently when 049 encounters a bunch of MTF with hazmat suits there isn't much he can do beside dodge the bullets due to the 25% success chance on trying to infect people with suits.
2- Currently when the limit of 8 is reached 049 can't do anything but dodge bullets and lead his zombies, cause the needle is his only weapon. The needle it self is also hard to actually hit people with, let alone the people with hazmat suits.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could possibly lead to a snowball effect if 049 finds a bunch of unarmed people in close quarters but that would be extremely lucky on the side of 049

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Due to 049's low hp and the hazmat suits, the zombies are 049's real weapon, and only 8 zombies isn't much of a challenge for ERT.
I think the limit should be increased to atleast 15, i feel like that's very fair cause its hard to actually start gathering up zombies in the first place, if you get a lot it's the fault of the response team.
See below my reasoning for increasing 049-2 damage and hp

Edited: After playing several 049 breaches i have noticed that the zombies are pretty much only usefull for soaking damage and buying time for other SCP's to do the killing. 049-2 can pretty much only kill anything if their swarming one or two people, who have no chance to survive since their going to get bodyblocked and swarmed. In any other case it wont take long before 049-2 to just get massacred if there aren't any other SCP's there to do damage because of their low hp and damage.
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-Say what it should be Changed too, I agree that it should be more, but too much would make 049 the best SCP there is
I edited my post a bit, as for ''Too much would make 049 the best SCP there is'' isn't true, the damage output of the zombies is extremely low. I acknowledge their really fast but that does't matter if they do 10 damage a second against a 400 hp 200 armor ERT member
Sep 25, 2023
View attachment 10349

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
incease the zombie limit for 049 (currently 8), OR increase the damage and hp of 049-2 (or a mix of the 2)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I don't know there's 50 pages of resolved suggestions

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1- Makes 049 more of a threat, forces response teams to deal with him before there's too many zombies. Because currently when 049 encounters a bunch of MTF with hazmat suits there isn't much he can do beside dodge the bullets due to the 25% success chance on trying to infect people with suits.
2- Currently when the limit of 8 is reached 049 can't do anything but dodge bullets and lead his zombies, cause the needle is his only weapon. The needle it self is also hard to actually hit people with, let alone the people with hazmat suits.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could possibly lead to a snowball effect if 049 finds a bunch of unarmed people in close quarters but that would be extremely lucky on the side of 049

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Due to 049's low hp and the hazmat suits, the zombies are 049's real weapon, and only 8 zombies isn't much of a challenge for ERT.
I think the limit should be increased to atleast 15, i feel like that's very fair cause its hard to actually start gathering up zombies in the first place, if you get a lot it's the fault of the response team.
See below my reasoning for increasing 049-2 damage and hp

Edited: After playing several 049 breaches i have noticed that the zombies are pretty much only usefull for soaking damage and buying time for other SCP's to do the killing. 049-2 can pretty much only kill anything if their swarming one or two people, who have no chance to survive since their going to get bodyblocked and swarmed. In any other case it wont take long before 049-2 to just get massacred if there aren't any other SCP's there to do damage because of their low hp and damage.
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I edited my post a bit, as for ''Too much would make 049 the best SCP there is'' isn't true, the damage output of the zombies is extremely low. I acknowledge their really fast but that does't matter if they do 10 damage a second against a 400 hp 200 armor ERT member
i can just imagine 20 zombies chasing down 1 ERT.........
this is what keeps me awake at night

Also its less about the zombies themselves, and more of the fact that not only is 049 getting a +1, hes also preventing foundation from fighting back, giving F a -1 member. Every kill is 2x as affective than you think, now imagine 20 zombies with 20 less MTF. goofy
i can just imagine 20 zombies chasing down 1 ERT.........
this is what keeps me awake at night

Also its less about the zombies themselves, and more of the fact that not only is 049 getting a +1, hes also preventing foundation from fighting back, giving F a -1 member. Every kill is 2x as affective than you think, now imagine 20 zombies with 20 less MTF. goofy
Try playing 049 and doing what you just said, its not possible due to hazmat suits
Oct 24, 2022
049's biggest weakness it he can't penetrate ERT. Which is kinda big; very few other SCPs have literally nothing they can do against ERT. Additionally, he has even more weaknesses in the bio suit, HP that leaves a lot to be desired, and the fact 049-2's sometimes don't do jack and just kinda mess around.

049 needs a rework. His whole "literally overpowered and busted in LCZ until ERT comes and then I'm useless" schtick isn't fun unless you pair 049 w/ 106, 7722, or 912 (don't @ me 912 is actually a good ERT shredder; just don't ADS). Increasing his zombie count would do nothing to change his massive snowball besides screwing Foundation just a bit more.
049's biggest weakness it he can't penetrate ERT. Which is kinda big; very few other SCPs have literally nothing they can do against ERT. Additionally, he has even more weaknesses in the bio suit, HP that leaves a lot to be desired, and the fact 049-2's sometimes don't do jack and just kinda mess around.

049 needs a rework. His whole "literally overpowered and busted in LCZ until ERT comes and then I'm useless" schtick isn't fun unless you pair 049 w/ 106, 7722, or 912 (don't @ me 912 is actually a good ERT shredder; just don't ADS). Increasing his zombie count would do nothing to change his massive snowball besides screwing Foundation just a bit more.
I mean he got 20% chance on ERT, still kinda sucks though
Yeah 049 is super weak against a group of 5+ people, doesn't even have to be ert, the people you infect just get instakilled cause the zombies suck and good luck trying to infect anyone with a suit while 50 quintrillion people are shooting you and just start running away when u turn to face them
Zombies also often tend to just stand still to let others kill them or run into turrets/teslas
Zombies also often tend to just stand still to let others kill them or run into turrets/teslas
True which is why i just go straight to d block instead of get some e11 zombies who run into their turret or stand still to respawn. Like 049 is a melee range character and there are still normal foundation peoole that are faster then him lol
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