05-2 Jack "The Phantom" Graves{ US }

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Jun 28, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
8 months, 36 weeks, 250 Days

In what country are you located?:
The United States
Time zone:
Character name(s):
"The Phantom"
Civilian name:
Jack Graves
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/A { I mostly run as gensec or researcher, I like gensec because its a good role to rp as }

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Fear RP Warn - For the Fear RP My game was acting weird so it had some people, invisible. I wasnt able to see the people nor see there weapons, so when game crashed, and i join back, they counted it as Fear RP.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- 05-2 , The main reason why i want to be 05-2 is because, what i know of in the main lore is 05-2: "The Archivist" which was a 05 in scp lore, that had other 05's not really trusting him. He also served a voice of restrain and reason on the council, and so i feel like i would fit well in that spot.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- What makes me the best candidate is because i have been a fan with scp fandom for 7 years now, and me having the most information about scp's and the Groups. The second reason, is the fact i have a very well good skill at role playing and loved to do it, as i like to write short story's of this fandom or other things. I am very experience and very hard working, in combat, Commands, Leadership, and Role playing.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- 05 Council responsibilities of ruling over the Foundation. They have the control over the Foundation and all its operation. They must watch over the Site and make sure everything within runs smoothly, to make sure SCP's are contained, and make sure information stays within, and never comes out. They are also responsible of taking care E-11, Nu-7, A-1, 0-1, Making sure they have great leader ship and making sure they are strong enough to fight anything that comes their way.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- 05 manages various things, such as the foundation MTF groups or different mass roleplaying scenario 's all over the foundation. 05 also assigns different things, such as ranks to people who are high command in different branches, they take charge in doing so the branches can thrive in strength. They also accept Applications such as Overseer Assistant, Overseer applications, Intelligence Director, Internal Affairs, Site admins, and last Chief of Security.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The Beginning

Long Ago, Date: 11/06/XXXX, Jack a Gensec Sergent, was walking around the foundation, doing his normal patrol. He had ended up at Heavy Containment Zone entrance zone, which is where he seen his co works doing there duty's as well. They talked and talked for some time, while keeping a eye out...Then radio noise came it on his frequency,

"Jack, i need some back up, can you come to 914, You may need to look at this."

Jack would have started to walk off, waving good bye to his co workers, before heading towards 914, heading near a hall that had a storage room to the left, where the 914 was. While walking, he started feel anxious before five men had ambushed him. Jack would get pulled into the storage room before getting a washcloth over his nose and mouth, which had knocked him out.......

20 Min Later
"W-what happened, w-what is this"
Jack had said as the bag comes off his head before looking up and seeing Six people looking right at him, wearing black suits, as others seemed to be not human, but a being. Jack stayed silent, as he look at every person, taking information on what they look like and what they are wearing.
There would me one man that sat from the far side of the table facing straight towards Jack, They all started to greet themselves starting from 1 through to 7.

O5-1: "The Founder"

Male. European descent. American origin. Verified post-human lifespan; 148+ years of age. Varying appearance.

Then Jack looked over at the others, describing them to himself to get a better understanding.

O5-3: "The Kid", or "The All-seeing Eye".

Male (?). Appears to be 17-19, despite being certainly much older. Has long blond hair, glasses, patched jean jacket, and a single bone earring.

O5-4: "The Ambassador".

Male. Australian (Koori) descent. Canadian origin. Mid-40s. No unusual appearance. Assigned female at birth.

O5-5: "Blackbird".

Male. European/Middle Eastern descent. American origin. Appears to be mid-40s; almost certainly older. Favors tweed suits, usually worn with coat and a hat with a blackbird pin. Wears ties with birds.

O5-6: "Cowboy", or "The American".

Male. European descent. American origin. Mid-40s. Long hair kept in a ponytail. Nearly always dresses in white suits, with a white Stetson "Boss of the Plains" cowboy hat, and carries a white cane with the handle carved in the shape of a wolf's head.

O5-7: "Green".

Female. South Asian descent. Unknown origin. Appears to be mid-40s; almost certainly older. Somewhat overweight. Nearly always dresses in various shades of green clothing.

Jack- "Why am i here, what do you want from me." He says with a stern tone of voice.

05-1- 1 would have sigh before looking up at Jack, with one of our 05's having a problem, we have chosen you to be the new 05. We had looked, into your history, you being a vet for the U.S army during the Afghanistan war. You were a Lieutenant, for Bravo Squad. You had a family who died during one of your conquest, and have a child who had died to cancer.

Jack- "H-how, w-what" Jack was confused and furious wondering how these people know all about Jack life. He had looked down at his hands before looking up at the 05.

05-3 - "Look what the Founder is implying, on behold the vote of all of us, we had accepted you to be an 05 council member. You don't you will be class A and never remember about anything only the duties you have. Choose"

Jack- Jack had looked around before finally coming to a decision, He had stood up and place his hand up align with his shoulder. "Me Jack Graves, will accept to become 05-2, and shall promise to never leak or betray the foundation."

05-1- "Great now, this meeting of the council, is now dismissed, 05-7 please help 05-2 get catch up on things, we have worked to do."

Jack- Jack would have walked out the room as he followed 05-7, getting taught and learning thing more and more.

The End (Short Story of Jack Graves)

( Thank You For Spending your Time Reading )
Update: Changed name to jack taka to jack graves

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Well-known Member
Apr 6, 2022
- O5 is full
- No clue who you are and experience is highly lacking

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - Jack

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied. You must have CL4+ experience, preferrably SA or being a very experienced Dpt. Director. Please take a look at applying for one of the junior CL4 jobs or attaining a LT or higher rank in an MTF division. This will help you to begin gaining appropriate management experience necessary for this job. You may apply in 2 weeks.​
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