What does this suggestion change/add/remove
082 gets a custom SWEP titled "Dinner Party" which allows him to breach the following SCPs only:
- 049
- 9000s
- 035
- 939s
These specific SCPs are picked for reasons listed below. Dinner Party is of course removed if 082 is breach tooled out. Due to being restricted so heavily, 082's "Dinner Party" SWEP would have the advantage of breaching SCPs instantly.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
this has not been suggested since 082 was op before his nerfs
Possible Positives of the suggestion
- Would make 082 pretty good just to flag on and have fun with, but not overpowered enough to cause a nuke or even bring ERT most of the time.
- Adds variety to both E-11's perspective & SCP's perspective for breaches. I know a lot of E-11 who flag off instantly the moment they hear TG or 8837 breach, which harms RP. Giving any incentive for people to consider not always playing as those two SCPs, even for a weaker SCP such as 082, is a boon.
- Forces 082 to make a more difficult decision on who to breach rather than immediately rushing for TGs or 8837. You have to consider breaching the 9000s if your friends flag on them, or 049 if you solo breach. However, if there's a bigger breach at play, potentially banking on someone else breaking the bulkheads to release 035 or 939s.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion
- Some E-11 despise combating 082 due to his gluttony abilities. I know a lot more hate fighting TG & 8837, but this is something to consider.
- Since 082 is directly next to 9ks, might be annoying seeing all three instantly breach.
- 082 might piss off a lot of 079 mains.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted
Out of all of the SCPs to not have breach capabilities it makes the least sense for 082 to not get one. He's decently intelligent, is incredibly strong, and is a polite fellow. Compare this to some other SCPs that get breach tools.
457 - Is a barely sapient mass of fire. Do not take this as a call to nerf 457 please I will cry
076-2 - This one would be almost guaranteed to simply fight SCPs rather than breach them
966 - I don't think I have to explain why this doesn't make sense on any level. 966 doesn't have the brains, or the means, to breach anybody. It literally can't even break doors.
Sinceboomer 082 was nerfed to not be overpowered anymore, and is now clearly a decently weak SCP, I think this suggestion would make him more common rather than always seeing the same three energy based SCPs breach.
Btw, the reason those specific SCPs were picked is due to the following:
939, I believe 082 would respect 939 consuming people in the same way it does. Also, 939s are rare to see breached, so...
049, I believe 082 would enjoy being in 049's presence considering how polite he is.
035, 035 is pretty charming and only really good at hacking SCPs out. There's a bulkhead in his CC, so 082 would need another SCP's help. At that point, 035 is kinda mid w/ no hack potential, but a fun wild card on 082's side.
9ks, I don't think I have to explain why these guys need to be breached more. Also they're actually cannibals lore wise so 082 would love 'em. Considering 082 is right next to 9ks CC, would be a fun combo.

this attractive man mind controls you into +supporting
082 gets a custom SWEP titled "Dinner Party" which allows him to breach the following SCPs only:
- 049
- 9000s
- 035
- 939s
These specific SCPs are picked for reasons listed below. Dinner Party is of course removed if 082 is breach tooled out. Due to being restricted so heavily, 082's "Dinner Party" SWEP would have the advantage of breaching SCPs instantly.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
this has not been suggested since 082 was op before his nerfs
Possible Positives of the suggestion
- Would make 082 pretty good just to flag on and have fun with, but not overpowered enough to cause a nuke or even bring ERT most of the time.
- Adds variety to both E-11's perspective & SCP's perspective for breaches. I know a lot of E-11 who flag off instantly the moment they hear TG or 8837 breach, which harms RP. Giving any incentive for people to consider not always playing as those two SCPs, even for a weaker SCP such as 082, is a boon.
- Forces 082 to make a more difficult decision on who to breach rather than immediately rushing for TGs or 8837. You have to consider breaching the 9000s if your friends flag on them, or 049 if you solo breach. However, if there's a bigger breach at play, potentially banking on someone else breaking the bulkheads to release 035 or 939s.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion
- Some E-11 despise combating 082 due to his gluttony abilities. I know a lot more hate fighting TG & 8837, but this is something to consider.
- Since 082 is directly next to 9ks, might be annoying seeing all three instantly breach.
- 082 might piss off a lot of 079 mains.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted
Out of all of the SCPs to not have breach capabilities it makes the least sense for 082 to not get one. He's decently intelligent, is incredibly strong, and is a polite fellow. Compare this to some other SCPs that get breach tools.
457 - Is a barely sapient mass of fire. Do not take this as a call to nerf 457 please I will cry
076-2 - This one would be almost guaranteed to simply fight SCPs rather than breach them
966 - I don't think I have to explain why this doesn't make sense on any level. 966 doesn't have the brains, or the means, to breach anybody. It literally can't even break doors.
Btw, the reason those specific SCPs were picked is due to the following:
939, I believe 082 would respect 939 consuming people in the same way it does. Also, 939s are rare to see breached, so...
049, I believe 082 would enjoy being in 049's presence considering how polite he is.
035, 035 is pretty charming and only really good at hacking SCPs out. There's a bulkhead in his CC, so 082 would need another SCP's help. At that point, 035 is kinda mid w/ no hack potential, but a fun wild card on 082's side.
9ks, I don't think I have to explain why these guys need to be breached more. Also they're actually cannibals lore wise so 082 would love 'em. Considering 082 is right next to 9ks CC, would be a fun combo.

this attractive man mind controls you into +supporting
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