Denied 096 face shows on the tv screens from lcz-D block/ medbay area

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Aug 26, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Basically, Instead of a picture spawning, a picture of 096 will be projected onto the screen from medbay/d block area, to lcz checkpoint. The picture would last for about 15 seconds. (Could be changed) of course, this would happen when 096 is breached. Maybe if it is hacked out there could be an announcement about (someone is trying to mess with our broadcast systems) something like that.
This checkpoint

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
I have not seen any similar suggestions; the only one was that he was able to hack pictures of 096 to show his face on all computers.

Possible positives of the suggestion (at least 2):

More immersive experience, instead of a picture spawning randomly.

Allows for more people to see the image, making gameplay better for 096 players

Possible negatives of the suggestion:

Could be less fun for players, as more people would be exposed to it.

Based on the positives and negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?

Based on the positives and negatives, this suggestion should be accepted because, it is more immersive for players, and it makes it more fun for 096 players.
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wait you might need counterplay for this - because like 096 as is, the counterplay is just destroy the picture. how do you propose this gets dealt with? or are you relying on the idea that it'd be temporary as like a good enough counter? like it happens and just no-one sees it
They could either be temporary, or they could last until E&TS do something - maybe technician tool on the screens, or on a server somewhere like in F3? And maybe as a temporary thing, people can press E on the screen to turn it off, or shoot it to disable it like CCTV?
Apr 4, 2023
I like this.

wait you might need counterplay for this - because like 096 as is, the counterplay is just destroy the picture. how do you propose this gets dealt with? or are you relying on the idea that it'd be temporary as like a good enough counter? like it happens and just no-one sees it
I'm thinking one of these options:
>Simply interact to turn it off
>Shoot it
>Requires a Techie to fix it
Requiring a Techie to fix it could be interesting, as it means a Code 4 can be called and E-11 or such section off an area until the cognitohazzard is dealt with.
>Or just a timer for how long it's up
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Aug 26, 2023
wait you might need counterplay for this - because like 096 as is, the counterplay is just destroy the picture. how do you propose this gets dealt with? or are you relying on the idea that it'd be temporary as like a good enough counter? like it happens and just no-one sees it
I think maybe after a certain time it would turn off, or a techie could fix it to turn it off faster
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096 Breaches as a result of a picture sometimes simply don't happen because it spawns face-down and such - would be nice if this happened. As for how it'd work, I'd simply recommend it flashed on screen for a few seconds at a time, multiple times and would simply stop after the third or fourth time, no need to add a 'counter' to it as I feel it simply ruins 096.
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