Denied 096 Overhaul/Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Several things about 096. I'll try and keep it concise.
  1. Make 096 a silent breach, like 035 and 079. 096 presently does not breach silently.

  2. Change the wording on the bucket notification (When you're trying to bucket an 096 that's very recently broken a bucket) to be less confusing for people - It currently states that 096 is "too enraged" to be bucketed, which in my experience seems to just confuse everyone when 096 has just broken their bucket, but is in a docile state.

  3. If possible, change 096's crouched movement speed while enraged, to be the same as its enraged run speed, to eliminate issues with D-Class abusing vents to prolong their deaths to 096.

  4. Allow 096 to jump (As goofy as it would look with no animation; It needs to be able to clear the D-Block catwalk fence without having to crouch-jump (as crouching has a specific animation))

  5. Fix 096 being unable to use the FL3 elevator

  6. Change the way pictures spawn:
Obviously it shouldn't be something as ridiculous as "The player chooses exactly where the picture will be." I think RNG should still have a major part in where pictures end up spawning - But I think the player should be able to influence it. Also, don't have pictures spawn in CL4+ areas, if there are less than 4 CL4+ on (And not in GOC base if there's less than 5 GOC on - Or other surface locations; with the related jobs, etc. etc.).

Let's say, when you're breached as 096, you get the choice of a 'Mood'. That choice then determines the pool of locations that can be chosen for the picture to be spawned. So it's still based on RNG, but more agency is given to the player on 096, as to how their breach will be.
Here's what I'm envisioning could be the case: Any time you are breached as 096, you get a pop-up that asks what your current mood is as 096. For now, let's say you have the choices of 'Irritated', 'Melancholic', 'Lonely' or 'Sad'. Doesn't even have to be the same ones each time, could be four picked from a list of total moods. Whatever.

Each location for a picture would basically have associated with it:

First, a flag based on whether that location is either in a CL4+ area or a surface location, to check the relevant jobs to see if there's enough of them so a pic can be reasonably spawned there - Otherwise it won't get seen.

Second, the mood pools it can be part of. A location will always have a primary pool, which is the pool that it has the highest chance of being in.

I'll explain with a table, to give you an idea of how the final pic spawn location data could be:
Potential Mood Pools (Primary in bold)​
D-BlockfalseIrritated, Lonely
GOC BasetrueIrritated, Melancholic, Sad
LLCZ CorridorfalseSad, Lonely
Medbay QuarantinefalseMelancholic, Lonely
Site Manager's OfficetrueIrritated, Lonely, Melancholic
I think the key to properly balancing this so that people can't game it to try and have the pic spawn in the same/similar location each time, is to not have locations guaranteed to be within a specific mood. You should keep people guessing. How would that work?

The point at which these locations are collapsed into their final mood pools, is when the pop-up comes up. So I'll go with the four I suggested again, 'Irritated', 'Melancholic', 'Lonely' & 'Sad'. Let's take one location from that list - For example, inner D-Block. In the example table I give, D-Block's primary mood pool is 'Lonely'. So it has... Let's say 80% chance, of being in the 'Lonely' pool, calculated on pop-up. And the other pools it can be in... 40%? This would need balancing, but I think these are good values to start with. And of course for the locations that are in CL4+ areas, it first sees if there's a reasonable amount of CL4+ on, if there isn't, it doesn't do the RNG at all. Same with surface locations, such as in GOC base, is there enough GOC on - Would they reasonably come across this?

Then once you start considering that for all the other locations, you get all the fully populated pools when the pop-up comes up. Of course, if any come back empty, just run the RNG for those associated locations for that pool, again. But obviously, not in the same tick. An important thing to consider there is that, the UI actually coming up and mouse unlocking, needs to be the very last thing in that process. From there, each time someone breaches as 096, it's four, pure RNG pools of whichever locations may be in them. When someone selects a pool, it just then chooses a location at random from that pool, then spawns the pic. Basically RNG into the RNG.

So the idea isn't to give the player complete control over exactly where the picture spawns, but increased control over it. This will be rough at first, but over time people would be able to learn what locations suit them - Without everyone being able to just always do D-Block breaches; But I would want to know what pools D-Block isn't in, so I would prefer those.

This or something like this, should improve the breach experience for the end user, without making the system too heavily favoured/abusable by them. Should also have a separate system for when a pic needs to be force-spawned: Allow a mod or GM to be able to spawn at their/a specific location, for use in events (or crosstesting. Still don't understand why you need to do that for crosstesting as 096 does not have a containment blocker).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Firstly, I'm aware of planned 096 changes. Some of which are from prior accepted suggestions, but my recollection is there were already plans to change some facets of 096 anyway. There isn't anything on the public Github about it that I can tell - Only the bug with the rage scream on surface.

This is a re-opening of my suggestion back in November, which aimed to remove the D-Block spawn location for 096 pictures - As at the time, I believed it was both an unfun experience for both 096 who just gets trapped in D-Block stuck chasing the same D-Class who just keeps looping around in the vents, and the D-Class at spawn who get spawnkilled because of that prolonged exposure.

Denial reason -
SCP-096 is a rather easy SCP to contain on its own having one of Its photo spawn points in a highly populated area removed will just make breaches less interesting for the player on SCP-096. It is also only one of many spawn points.
This does not address what was raised in that suggestion - But the original suggestion also comes from position of personal perspective on not wanting to interact with annoying D-Class, Not considering preference of other 096 players who would want to go to D-Block. This suggestion approaches the issue, alongside myriad other issues with 096 behaviours, in a way that is hopefully more savoury to both community & CT alike.

Other relevant past suggestions:
This directly intersects as that suggestion asks for a pic spawn location to be removed and this primarily asks for changes to how spawn locations are handled.

Acceptance -
We will be partially accepting your post. We will be looking into the spawns on the 096 breach to see where we can move them. Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.
This I guess, is just further stuff that can be done woth 096, how else the pic spawn system can be looked at and reworked.
This also directly intersects in the same way, as that suggestion asks for spawn locations to be removed, among other things.

Acceptance -
[No other elaboration than the standard acceptance message saying that it's partially accepted]
Going on the assumption that any or all of the 096 items in that suggestion were at least part of that partial acceptance (as that suggestion covered multiple SCPs), same as what I said for the above suggestion.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • Improved breach experience for 096

  • Less confusion when trying to bucket 096

  • No more D-Class abusing vents to prolong their escape from 096 - As 096 can rush through vents and chase them over the catwalk fence. Additionally, this prevents 096 from being stuck on catwalk behind that one unbreakable door (Watchtower exterior).

  • Improved experience for D-Class with 096 - As D-Class can't get it as 'stuck' in D-Block as they are currently able to, there'll inherently be less spawnkilling.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Everything but the pic spawn system is somewhat minor - The crouch speed thing probably not so much, that might have to be figured out; Actually facilitating that so it only applies while enraged, then also balance it to make it work. But the pic spawn system is asking for effectively a rework to the entire breach system that 096 operates on. There will definitely be teething problems with this and a bit of a headache to properly work out/balance, etc. But I think overall, this is what 096 needs. Hopefully I've justified it, but I understand if it's either not possible or too much work for too little a thing/can be done some other way.
  • Frustration from D-Class that they can't juke 096 via vents anymore - They shouldn't be doing that, anyway. They only started doing it because that's just what emerged and it works. And they are realistically running from the thing trying to kill them. But the thing trying to kill them slows down for some reason because it has to crawl through vents. An enraged 096 is going to reasonably come at you very fast through the vents. THIS IS MY HOLE! IT'S MADE FOR ME! Bonus if you can have 096's model use the HL2 zombie crawl animations while crouch enraged, just to add to the terror factor. I want to scare the souls out of those D-Class in vents.

  • 096 jumping and/or increased crouched movespeed could be abusable in unintended ways

  • 098 will look weird jumping and moving fast while crouched, without animations for it - Function over form.

  • Mood system may be confusing

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The little changes that aren't the new pic spawning system generally speak for themselves, they're just generally good changes for 096. The pic spawning system itself, like... So,

The way I see 096 as it is right now, is you're basically playing two roles: The role of the mindless, very animalistic non-sapient cryptid that is 096 itself, and the practically-omniscient anomaly responsible for knowing that people saw you, exactly where they are and enhancing 096's ability to navigate to that location. I'm essentially asking to add a third role to this list, in relation to how it breaches in the server environment, that role simply being just... The anomaly responsible for 096's picture randomly spawning somewhere - With some influence on where that ends up being. That's pretty much what I'm asking for here.

096 right now, is unique from other SCPs in many ways, one of those is that the nature of its breach and how bad that breach is, is pure RNG. It's not something controllable by the player in anyway, they have less agency in that aspect. I think giving some of that agency to the player, not in whole, would reasonably improve 096 as a feature and the end user experience.
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SCP-RP Staff
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Dec 20, 2023
As someone who used to be e11 I think 096 is far too easy to rc and very often does far to little. I also like the picture spawn idea a lot as it would make for an interesting time and would make 096 into a more feared scp instead of the everyone get medbay scrambles and a bucket

I think the picture should spawn around people instead of set locations. If it spawns next to people it guarantees a breach instead of having it spawn somewhere weird and waiting a long time for someone to see it. I'd also like to see a change where the picture MUST be destroyed. Takes zero effort to put a bucket on his head and despawn it that way.
I think the picture should spawn around people instead of set locations. If it spawns next to people it guarantees a breach instead of having it spawn somewhere weird and waiting a long time for someone to see it.
ehhhhh. i think doing the locations dynamically like that is just not feasible
I'd also like to see a change where the picture MUST be destroyed. Takes zero effort to put a bucket on his head and despawn it that way.
yes - this i agree with. alternatively, i wouldn't mind the bucket putting a despawn timer on the pic instead of immediately and instantly despawning have to consider if the pic is already obscure/inaccessible place. code 4 could use more love, etc.
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ehhhhh. i think doing the locations dynamically like that is just not feasible

yes - this i agree with. alternatively, i wouldn't mind the bucket putting a despawn timer on the pic instead of immediately and instantly despawning have to consider if the pic is already obscure/inaccessible place. code 4 could use more love, etc.
I mainly like the idea of the picture staying out because it forces people to actually do the recontainment steps. Plus SCP-096s entire deal is destroying any pictures of him to prevent breaches or people seeing his face. It going away with the bucket on defeats that entire aspect of the SCP.

As for it spawning near people I don't think it would be too difficult? They could make it so printers have a chance of malfunctioning and spawning a picture through it or as someone said in another post they could go on the CCTV cameras.
096 needs some improvements like this. I especially like the idea of having some influence over the picture spawning, as without it your breach is entirely to the whims of RNG and you have basically no choice over how your breach will go. With the current level of choice available, you might as well make 096 an NPC, it could really do with improvements like this.
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