What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion makes it so the current 1stAL playermodels get completely replaced. (Except the RC one, which doesnt look horrible)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better immersion for 1stAL players;
Make them fit in "better" within the NWO thematic.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Dev time, and the communication with model-creator/owner factor.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
So HUGE tldr: 1stAL models are old Metal Gear Solid 4 models, and not only do they look ugly, they kind of dont fit within a Tank regiment that utilizes Soviet+ era tanks, which are known for having extremely tight spaces to fit people in, this includes the T-Series tanks (T-62, 72, 90, etc), and also the BMP, BTRs, the only exception here would maybe be the Boxers (I'm not aware of it's internal specs).
This suggestion is gonna compile a few models I found on the workshop that MIGHT fit in, with a little reasoning/explanation. I'm also currently trying to find people who know 1stAL lore/could create some, for models to make even more sense. I would also like and appreciate suggestions from all sides for 1stAL models, since I am not too good at finding stuff such as models. Any extra information I obtain on 1stAL, be it lore, equipment, etc, I will update the post. (All links are purely for inspiration/discussion, none of them are part of the final suggestion so far)
1. Some sort of updated version of WW1 and WW2 uniforms to give 1stAL a new vibe:
My personal suggestion, would be models similar to some Imperial Guard units from Warhammer 40K, as they fit inside this thematic of "Modern WW1/WW2".
Death Korps of Krieg:
Death Korps, in the 40k universe, are vat-grown soldiers, made en-masse to fulfil a promise they made to the Imperium, that of granting them a large number of soldiers, for "failing" to prevent their world from falling into a nuclear war. (In the current setting this promise has more than already been fulfilled, but they are still a very relevant regiment in the setting)
There are many others, simply generic "Imperial Guard", or other known units such as the Cadians, or the Vostroyan, If I find any, decent models I'll paste below.
2. Soviet tank crews:
This one is kind of a freebie, automatically goes well with soviet-like tanks, I do not know what they'd need to be worked into, in order to fit the NWO theme though.
3. Chinese/Russian playermodels from Battlefield, and other games: (shoutout to Kermit for having the Chinese PM idea)
Little bit hard to find more, but I think there are already some Battlefield models in use currently, I have not seen many similar to the Chinese/Russian ones though.
4. Other Metal Gear Solid playermodels:
(soviet ones look good)
Not much to say here, already listed my/others complaints on the current MGS4 models, the Soviet ones look particularly good, because they fit the "lightweight" style from regular Tank Crews, I believe that in the game, the soviets are paratrooper units, so it makes sense ig.
5. Using/Altering PMs that are either unused, or have found use in other servers (such as SCP-RP):
I think anything foodeater/Cheddar/Houston made we can use (?). Special mention to the B-1 playermodels, would be my favourite pick from these but I cant find them, but I know they're still in the SCP models addon.
6. TBD (Need your help finding other cool stuff please)
This suggestion makes it so the current 1stAL playermodels get completely replaced. (Except the RC one, which doesnt look horrible)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better immersion for 1stAL players;
Make them fit in "better" within the NWO thematic.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Dev time, and the communication with model-creator/owner factor.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
So HUGE tldr: 1stAL models are old Metal Gear Solid 4 models, and not only do they look ugly, they kind of dont fit within a Tank regiment that utilizes Soviet+ era tanks, which are known for having extremely tight spaces to fit people in, this includes the T-Series tanks (T-62, 72, 90, etc), and also the BMP, BTRs, the only exception here would maybe be the Boxers (I'm not aware of it's internal specs).
This suggestion is gonna compile a few models I found on the workshop that MIGHT fit in, with a little reasoning/explanation. I'm also currently trying to find people who know 1stAL lore/could create some, for models to make even more sense. I would also like and appreciate suggestions from all sides for 1stAL models, since I am not too good at finding stuff such as models. Any extra information I obtain on 1stAL, be it lore, equipment, etc, I will update the post. (All links are purely for inspiration/discussion, none of them are part of the final suggestion so far)
1. Some sort of updated version of WW1 and WW2 uniforms to give 1stAL a new vibe:
Steam Workshop::VERDUN 14-18 Playermodels UNDER COMMUNITY FRENCH WW1 SOLDIER
My personal suggestion, would be models similar to some Imperial Guard units from Warhammer 40K, as they fit inside this thematic of "Modern WW1/WW2".
Death Korps of Krieg:
Steam Workshop::[F] Krieg Death Korps HD
There are many others, simply generic "Imperial Guard", or other known units such as the Cadians, or the Vostroyan, If I find any, decent models I'll paste below.
2. Soviet tank crews:
Steam Workshop::Warsaw Pact Tank Crew RAGDOLLS
This one is kind of a freebie, automatically goes well with soviet-like tanks, I do not know what they'd need to be worked into, in order to fit the NWO theme though.
3. Chinese/Russian playermodels from Battlefield, and other games: (shoutout to Kermit for having the Chinese PM idea)
Steam Workshop::Battlefield 3 Style Russian Playermodels
Steam Workshop::Battlefield 4 Chinese Assault Playermodel
Steam Workshop::National Revolutionary Army
Steam Workshop::People's Liberation Army (PLA) Soldiers Pack (HEXED)
Little bit hard to find more, but I think there are already some Battlefield models in use currently, I have not seen many similar to the Chinese/Russian ones though.
4. Other Metal Gear Solid playermodels:
Steam Workshop::Metal Gear Solid 5 - Ground Zeroes: XOF
Steam Workshop::Metal Gear Solid 5 - Ground Zeroes: MSF
Not much to say here, already listed my/others complaints on the current MGS4 models, the Soviet ones look particularly good, because they fit the "lightweight" style from regular Tank Crews, I believe that in the game, the soviets are paratrooper units, so it makes sense ig.
5. Using/Altering PMs that are either unused, or have found use in other servers (such as SCP-RP):
Steam Workshop::GOC Model Pack
Steam Workshop::Mobile Task Force Nu-7 Playermodels
Steam Workshop::Mobile Task Force Omega-1 Playermodels
Steam Workshop::[Outdated] MTF Nu-7 playermodel
Steam Workshop::MTF Alpha-1 playermodels
I think anything foodeater/Cheddar/Houston made we can use (?). Special mention to the B-1 playermodels, would be my favourite pick from these but I cant find them, but I know they're still in the SCP models addon.
6. TBD (Need your help finding other cool stuff please)
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