2 Week Ban Appeal

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Sunari "Nasus" Taiyo

Senior Moderator
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Jun 19, 2022
Your in-game name: Sunari "Nasus"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:484828748
Your steam community link: 76561198929923224
Date of ban: 12/4/2022 | Sun Dec 4 20:59:36 2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM[A] (The server restarted when I was ban and somehow the server didn't save the files but I was able to got my self ban again so I can get the window)
Who banned you: Jaiden"DJ" (STEAM_0:0:168984340)
Ban length?: 2 Weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): SCP-RP Rules
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I am not completely sure what I can do to prevent this because my reasoning for killing all those civis, was felt justified. But hey, maybe I should have walk up to them and say "why are you kidnapping this man" or "release this man at once, he hadn't done anything to you" or something along that line. But then again, why would I risk my life to go walk up to dozen of armed civis and ask that, because in my past experience doing something like that would get me killed. For ex. I remember that one time when we were conversing with civis about random topic, when a few other civis gunned us all down on MTF hill and both parties of civis laughing (Note: this was a long time ago). So my trust in civis is no-existence because they are all so random in their logic/motives/reasonings.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I can't remember the last time I got Warned/Kicked/Banned but there is probably a few cases when I first join the server; which was around last June or July.
Why should you be unbanned: I feel like the punishment that I got should be reduced or even removed because the reason the person that made a sit against me was "You shot us when we kidnapped the CI marksman", "I just wanted to know what the card mean", "you denied my RP", "He could have eaten a cyanide when we kidnapped him" etc. But my reasoning was to deny the civis any information that they could have gotten from the CI from anything that they want to question or have a deeper understanding about CI and who they are fighting (Note: I did not know that the Civis had a card and only wanted to know what it mean, so I went what is the most logical reason why they are kidnapping the CI. From my past experience they probably know something that they should not have, and probably writing a doc about classified information about the foundation). The other reason why I wanted to save the Ci from the civis was because long time ago when I was a specialist or something, CI was the one that saved me from the civis when I was cuffed by 3 rangers and a few others. So I just wanted to repay, or feel like I repay the debt that I owe to CI (you can referee to this Clip when I tried to help CI).
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I honestly think my case is hard to cypher because both side poses valid arguments and the fact that I just got on that day may have effected how I was thinking. Obviously I needed to find more of a hard reason why I should have killed those civis than using my past experience handling with civis.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: 2 Weeks is a long time depending what you have in your life, but in my case It would feel like eternity not being able to play on this server because I enjoy playing different aspects of scp-rp whether being a well dress man or the most rat-scumbag of a person.


Well-known Member
Oct 4, 2022
Hey sunari, at the end of the day i had to go through proper punishments as you dropped about 7 civvies when you could’ve just killed the CI i totally understand the situation you were in and do feel like a reduction should definitely be in place. I had no choice but to ban you as you did break the rules but i hope you can get this reduced :)

Sunari "Nasus" Taiyo

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jun 19, 2022
Hey sunari, at the end of the day i had to go through proper punishments as you dropped about 7 civvies when you could’ve just killed the CI i totally understand the situation you were in and do feel like a reduction should definitely be in place. I had no choice but to ban you as you did break the rules but i hope you can get this reduced :)
Yeah, i shouldn’t have brought in personal feeling in when i was making; that was my fault completely. Shouldn’t have assumed that those civis weren’t doing anything bad, but the past is the past and i accept it. But can i still have it reduced? I regret not being able to play the new update with my friends. It kinda sad for me to watch them tryout the update while in playe league.?


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
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Mar 18, 2022
Puerto Rico
Appeal Accepted

Hi ShadowPrince,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I understand your point of view, Limiting the disemination of information to civilians of Anomalous GOI's which might need to exposure of another anomalies, Since you had no malicious intent behind your actions, I will reduce the punishment to just 1 week.
The ban will expire on 11/12/2022​
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