Content Suggestion 914 Rework

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Firstly, I would suggest reworking 914 entirely so that its input/setting/outputs are configurable in-game by SL. SL would have access to a menu to edit this config, where they would have options like:
  • Input Type (e.g. Chemical Container, SWEP, Player, Other Entity)
    • Specific Input (e.g. Injection Vial of 106, ARX-160, Hazmat Suit, Player on TG-A, Player on Foundation Job)
  • Setting (Rough, Coarse, etc.)
  • Output Type (same as input types, plus effects)
    • Specific Output (e.g. Centrifuge Vial of Anomalous Matter, QBZ, Gas Mask, gas form of XYZ chemical into the room, explosion in output box, Player disguised as TG-B)
      • May have a combination for each of these, e.g. an explosion and a gas release
SL would be able to add any combination of these, remove existing ones, and search through existing configs.

While in the menu, a member of SL would be able to click a button to Add a new combination, select an option for each of the options listed above, and then add this to the list of active combinations.

If any combination of specific inputs and settings were to have multiple outputs currently configured, 914 would provide one of those outputs at random. Possibly, the chance of each might be configurable, but if not, it would just be an equal chance for each option.

For each option type, there would be a lot of configurability of outputs, e.g.:
  • Player on <Job> -> Player with <disguise>/<ability (e.g. reality bending SWEP with XYZ config)>/<GMObjective-style effect>/<chemical effect>
  • <Chemical> in <Container> -> <Another chemical> in <another container>
    • Possible container includes gaseous state, i.e. releasing the chemical as a gas into the inner room of 914
  • <Dropped SWEP or other entity> -> <A different dropped SWEP or entity>
There should also be options for certain outputs to only be possible with certain player counts, e.g. converting things to Freedoms might be disabled below 30 players.

Secondly, SSL should have the option to disable and re-enable 914 entirely at any time, for e.g. if there is a bug, or if there is an event that requires it.

Thirdly, there should be, for the Containment Maintenance V2 ticket on GitHub, the possibility of 914 cogs becoming missing and/or jammed, which would stop 914 from working, or cause unpredictable results. This would then be repaired using the new containment maintenance system.

Some example configs for 914 would be:
  • Player on TG-A, on 1:1 -> Disguised as TG-B, abilities and stats replaced with that of TG-B
  • Flask of Class-A, on Rough -> 939 blood gas released into the inner 914 room
  • Player on 008-2, on Fine -> Player switched to 008-3
  • Player on CI Juggernaut, on 1:1 -> Health and armour downgraded to normal, random human disguise given
  • Hazmat Suit, on Coarse -> Gas Mask
  • Player on <any random human job>, on Rough -> Player experiences GMObj/chem effects saying they're in immense pain, their vision goes white, etc., and then they explode
  • Injection Vial of Human Blood, on 1:1 -> (Centrifuge Vial or Injection Vial 50%/50% chance) of (Human Blood or O- Blood, 80%/20% chance)
  • <Any random assault rifle>, on 1:1 -> <Any random standard primary weapon>
  • <Any random pistol>, on 1:1 -> <Any random standard pistol>
  • <Any random pistol>, on Fine -> (<Any advanced pistol (deagle, .44, etc.)> or temporary GMObjective in output section saying "Some kind of metal contraption", 35%/65% chance)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Allows the creation of much more varied 914 settings, as someone can just sit on SL and make them whenever they want, rather than requiring a dev to change
  • Allows the use of more items via 914, such as chems and entities like gas masks
  • Allows more varied outputs, like chemicals, gases, explosions, GMObjectives, etc.
  • Outputs can be changed on the fly, e.g. as part of events, or as SL/others come up with new ideas, rather than needing a dev and approximately 10 business centuries.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Dev work
  • New SL work

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would generally be a massive improvement to 914, which doesn't work on a lot of basic things, and only has some very basic changes pre-programmed, with no way to easily change them. This would allow much more flexibility for events and stuff, it would allow CT to easily change or re-balance 914 outputs without devs, and would allow more interesting research and the like to be done with a broader variety of inputs and outputs, and the possibility of new ones being added or changed at any time.
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