What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
: SCP-9000-A-3 is the powerful but blind variant, while SCP-9000-A-2 is the weaker but faster variant. Please consider that, while it appears to be a lot of changes, all of these changes, with only two exceptions, are just stat changes that can be implemented far easier than many other revamp suggestions.
Balance & QOL Changes
Defensive Stance
SCP-9000-A-3 can right click with his swep to enter a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by 66% for a limited time, but decreasing his speed to a crawl. This is intended to give SCP-9000-A-3 more of an opportunity to act as more of a bodyguard to 9000-A-2 in intense battles in smaller areas where 9000-A-2 may lose a large chunk of health if not protected.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Never seen a few of these sections suggested. Copied parts are from previously accepted suggestions.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I know this may seem like a rather large post, but the 9000s have became my favorite underdog SCP over the course of the server's life, and I feel very strongly about them. As someone who develops games myself, I want SL, Ventz, Cloak, and the Developer team themselves to know that even small SCP reworks for weak SCPS can feel just as refreshing as entirely new SCPs; all while breathing new life and variety into the combat. The SCP-9000 duo's core design philosophy is simply outdated with the layout of the new HCZ, and it's about time they got their just deserts with a stat rework.

? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-3 a higher HP pool, from 20,000 to 25,000.
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-2 a higher HP pool, from 10,000 to 15,000.
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-3 the ability to break bulkheads (ACCEPTED PRIOR; NOT IMPLEMENTED)
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-3 & 2 the ability to constantly see the outline of all players on the 9000 jobs.
? [BUFF] Removes SCP-9000-A-3's obscured vision.
? [BUFF] Increases SCP-9000-A-2's damage by 25%
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-2 a higher HP pool, from 10,000 to 15,000.
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-3 the ability to break bulkheads (ACCEPTED PRIOR; NOT IMPLEMENTED)
? [BUFF] Gives SCP-9000-A-3 & 2 the ability to constantly see the outline of all players on the 9000 jobs.
? [BUFF] Removes SCP-9000-A-3's obscured vision.
? [BUFF] Increases SCP-9000-A-2's damage by 25%
? [NERF] Decreases SCP-9000-A-2's door breaking speed to half speed (akin to 008).
? [NERF] SCP-9000-A-2 can now be terminated to promote 9000-A-3 acting as more of a bodyguard to 9000-A-2.
? [NERF] Decreases SCP-9000-A-2's overall running speed by an increment of -10% to accommodate for damage buff.
? [NERF] Decreases SCP-9000-A-3's overall attack speed by an increment of -100% to accommodate for vision buff
? [NERF] SCP-9000-A-2 can now be terminated to promote 9000-A-3 acting as more of a bodyguard to 9000-A-2.
? [NERF] Decreases SCP-9000-A-2's overall running speed by an increment of -10% to accommodate for damage buff.
? [NERF] Decreases SCP-9000-A-3's overall attack speed by an increment of -100% to accommodate for vision buff
(overall 1/2 attack speed).

? [QOL] Changes SCP-9000-A-3's sprint ability key from G to anything else. This is to prevent SCP-9000-A-3 from accidentally sprinting while trying to break down a door.
? [QOL] Changes SCP-9000-A-2's attack swep animation to go 100% faster to better represent to 9000-A-2 players when you can next attack. This is to prevent SCP-9000-A-2 from accidentally spamming their attacks one after another thinking they'll connect due to how the animation is is delayed from when you actually attack.This matters due to the low level the 9000s are unlocked at.
?[QOL] Changes SCP-9000-A-3's attack swep animation to go 100% faster to better represent to 9000-A-3 players when you can next attack. This is to prevent SCP-9000-A-3 from accidentally spamming their attacks one after another thinking they'll connect due to how the animation is is delayed from when you actually attack. This matters due to the low level the 9000s are unlocked at.
? [QOL] Changes SCP-9000-A-2's attack swep animation to go 100% faster to better represent to 9000-A-2 players when you can next attack. This is to prevent SCP-9000-A-2 from accidentally spamming their attacks one after another thinking they'll connect due to how the animation is is delayed from when you actually attack.This matters due to the low level the 9000s are unlocked at.
?[QOL] Changes SCP-9000-A-3's attack swep animation to go 100% faster to better represent to 9000-A-3 players when you can next attack. This is to prevent SCP-9000-A-3 from accidentally spamming their attacks one after another thinking they'll connect due to how the animation is is delayed from when you actually attack. This matters due to the low level the 9000s are unlocked at.
?️ [VISUAL] Changes SCP-9000-A-3's model to have a total of 8 eyes growing out of his tumorous body to explain his newfound sight. This can be explained as a mutation in SCP-9000-A-3 caused by the anomalies fall into the HCZ Reactor. In which, SCP-9000-A-3 fell into the reactor while chasing after an E-11 CPT who was dragging a cuffed SCP-9000-A-2. If this is not possible; another explaination could just be an intense increase in senses, leading to almost perfect echolocation.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Never seen a few of these sections suggested. Copied parts are from previously accepted suggestions.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Distinguishes the 9000s heavily from other SCPs available to all players, making it impossible for any SCP to be objectively more powerful than the 9000s. |
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
They simply don't function anymore with the new zone layouts. SCP-9000-A-2 & A-3 are a prime example of how dramatically changing the environment in which a class plays in has drastic consequences on how that class will function in the new environment.
How the 9000s literally got the worst of everything in the HCZ update. Everything.
How will these new changes fix this?
Prior to the HCZ update, despite overall popular opinion, the 9000s were well balanced anomalies that had their place in breaches. As long as you had the means to breach tool 9000s, they were genuinely good options even juxtaposed to previous titans like SCP-106, SCP-076, and the previously immortal SCP-966. Old HCZ had a far smaller size, and the corridors were tight, so the fact 9000-A-3's main weakness was blindness wasn't all that bad. It was not difficult to remain together with your partner, SCP-9000-A-2. Additionally, you had the ability to protect other weaker SCPs such as 076 and SCP-106, and support rushes and cause chaos when pushing out of HCZ. Despite it not being objectively the best; it was a genuinely viable strategy to breach the 9000s. In fact, it was even used in the unofficially held server record of max SCPs breached to surface at the same time, which was a whopping 11. Now, let's check post HCZ update.
How the 9000s literally got the worst of everything in the HCZ update. Everything.
1. Environmental difficulties: The incredibly large space causes intense confusion in the blind SCP-9000-A-3. This unironically can sometimes make him objectively the worst SCP in HCZ. Landing all of your attacks is critical to dealing with MTF ambushes, and considering how large and expansive new HCZ is, a quick half second glance at your surroundings with a cooldown of 3 seconds is definitely not good enough.
2. E-11 Bunks: E-11 spawn directly outside of their CC. Don't feel the need to explain how that'd be bad for an SCP; even 076 would be a lot worse if MTF spawned right outside of his CC. Type-Green simply cannot risk breaching the 9000s.
3. They don't cover each other's weaknesses in new HCZ. At all. Instead of 9000-A-3 serving as a bodyguard for the weaker SCP-9000-A-2, it's the entire other way around! A-2 has to follow the oaf around and make sure he doesn't get entirely lost, and in a large gun fight, it's almost guaranteed for the two to get split up from one another and never find eachother again due to the confusing layout of HCZ. Considering how new players play the 9000s a lot, this is a decently large issue.
4. Chemicals: Chemicals make it incredibly difficult for the blind 9000-A-3 to use his echolocation properly anymore. With the highly increased speed, you can't barely predict where your enemies will be shortly after your echolocation is over. Chemicals changed 9000-A-3's interaction from being heavily skill based with prediction and movement to swinging blindly in the dark while rapidly losing HP whilst not being able to see the people shooting you.
5. Other SCPs have to protect you. As a result of all four points above, since SCP-9000s can't cover each others weaknesses in their current state and are basically antithetical to each other, every SCP basically has to constantly bum rush to the 9000s to make sure they don't get lost / split up, and constantly have to communicate to specifically 9000-A-3 where they're even going in the first place. Once again, the overarching theme is that the blindness mechanic sucks to play with as a teammate or the person playing A-3 in the first place, and 9000-A-2 can't cut it when it comes to protecting 9000-A-3 due to his insanely low DPS, which in fact is almost tied with 049-2! An entire SCP's DPS, nearly tied with the minions 049 summons from corpses?
2. E-11 Bunks: E-11 spawn directly outside of their CC. Don't feel the need to explain how that'd be bad for an SCP; even 076 would be a lot worse if MTF spawned right outside of his CC. Type-Green simply cannot risk breaching the 9000s.
3. They don't cover each other's weaknesses in new HCZ. At all. Instead of 9000-A-3 serving as a bodyguard for the weaker SCP-9000-A-2, it's the entire other way around! A-2 has to follow the oaf around and make sure he doesn't get entirely lost, and in a large gun fight, it's almost guaranteed for the two to get split up from one another and never find eachother again due to the confusing layout of HCZ. Considering how new players play the 9000s a lot, this is a decently large issue.
4. Chemicals: Chemicals make it incredibly difficult for the blind 9000-A-3 to use his echolocation properly anymore. With the highly increased speed, you can't barely predict where your enemies will be shortly after your echolocation is over. Chemicals changed 9000-A-3's interaction from being heavily skill based with prediction and movement to swinging blindly in the dark while rapidly losing HP whilst not being able to see the people shooting you.
5. Other SCPs have to protect you. As a result of all four points above, since SCP-9000s can't cover each others weaknesses in their current state and are basically antithetical to each other, every SCP basically has to constantly bum rush to the 9000s to make sure they don't get lost / split up, and constantly have to communicate to specifically 9000-A-3 where they're even going in the first place. Once again, the overarching theme is that the blindness mechanic sucks to play with as a teammate or the person playing A-3 in the first place, and 9000-A-2 can't cut it when it comes to protecting 9000-A-3 due to his insanely low DPS, which in fact is almost tied with 049-2! An entire SCP's DPS, nearly tied with the minions 049 summons from corpses?
How will these new changes fix this?
1. They will finally cover each others weaknesses; 9000-A-3 having a new, but more fun weakness, that being a slow attack speed. Juxtaposed to this, SCP-9000-A-2 will have a higher DPS but overall lower survivability and a slight nerf to speed, being forced to rely on SCP-9000-A-3 as a bodyguard. SCP-9000-A-3 will no longer have to deal with physically being unable to attack people due to issues & unreliability echolocation. Basically, they'll get to play the video game.
I know this may seem like a rather large post, but the 9000s have became my favorite underdog SCP over the course of the server's life, and I feel very strongly about them. As someone who develops games myself, I want SL, Ventz, Cloak, and the Developer team themselves to know that even small SCP reworks for weak SCPS can feel just as refreshing as entirely new SCPs; all while breathing new life and variety into the combat. The SCP-9000 duo's core design philosophy is simply outdated with the layout of the new HCZ, and it's about time they got their just deserts with a stat rework.
So, with the sales pitch out of the way, will you give the 9000s a chance?
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