Cant have shit on civil man
For all of you A-1 enthusiasts saying "cope" instead of providing your actual constructive criticism I'll just post this.
Posting some clip of you flying into Floor 3 as 079 makes an point clear of you targeting A1/O5 me personally wouldt fly up to Floor 3 if theres pretty much nothing of intrest up there. This isnt Serious RP where you cant do shit without being instantly Warned or banned, Have fun at least one fucking time. Adding to that isnt it weird that like 3 Mods were watching the situation go down? and none of them complaint neither the Tech Expert that was just laughing at the situation?
People always say shit like A1 has a huge ego yet when people kill AO (A1 and O1) i hear them scream into my ears "Noob down, L dying" and other things and they are okay to say it? These people have a usally a huge ego themself and just get confrontent by their own "Kind" and how they talk to people with their Ego.
At the end I used to hate Alpha 1 too why? Because they were just toxic back then a lot more and because i couldt get into the Regiment, now im in the Regiment in a Diffrent time where most Toxicity In game same as OOC was just removed and handeled, and yet people HATE on A1 because they cant get into the Regiment or they had an bad interaction with them onces and then turned hostile and started harrasing them so they get even more bad interaction with a1!
Times Changed, People Changed, A1 changed.
but the MAJORITY (Not saying all of them) Of a1 seem to just be on a constant power trip.
"Powertrip" is an really hard word to explain you wanna know why? because you yourself dont know how you act around A1, maybe you are disrespecting them? maybe you are annoying them? and then when they hit you with them same energy you say "They powertrip".
And yet most behavior i observe is them commanding others to do stuff for them and doing what they want, IF theres no O5 on, who is there to protect?
A1 Isnt just protecting an RP Leader, While yes its their first "Objective" protecting O5, we still Fight CI, Breaches, Infll Dblock and a lot other things and yet people say shit like that because they think Alpha 1s only objective in the entire foundation is to protect O5 and just ignore the other facts.
In the first clip there were clearly Flasks on the Ground to Sample, you never know if the A1 said something just his mic was muted it can happen we are still all humans