hey everyone i think its about time for me to move on in life i spent so long in CN i forget when i wasnt constantly playing CN and i lost all motivation to play after crab game which was well almost last month where i said the nword 
i got demoted from Delta PLP cause of that and ever since then i felt absolutely no motivation to play at all and i simply played for the sake of not wanting a demotion for inactivity and for how long i played i didnt want to give up but real life has taken a toll on me and ive been spending to long at the keyboard and not out enjoying my actual life i also got major school exams coming up
now i wanted to resign for some time now but i never went through with it until today where i couldnt be arsed to put any effort and was getting angry at another delcom i got demoted from WO to 1SGT and thats all i needed to push me to resign i dont want to be at odds with anyone in CI hell ive been in that regiment straight since last september and joined first in july i joined CN first on march 2022 on the 2ND which by god thats more than a year ago and i went by many different names and never stuck by 1 name until around july when i took up the name Darren Laurens
during that time i never met a single person meaningful and never did until fucking september when i only wanted to join CI back because mtf assholes were being cunts in ooc about me cause i breached as 035 and caused a mass breach and then people from CI defended me which made me want to join CI after speaking with the bcom Lucas fern specifically i wanted to get my ci blacklist removed
i eventually got it removed at the end of september where i joined ci back and played almost every day up until december when i joined B1 i stayed in B1 actively up until the end of january where i was kicked i went back to maining CI and stayed maining CI right up until well today may 13/05/2023 where after losing all motive i finally found a proper reason to resign which is now
before i end this imma leave some honarable mentions
@Snow One of the few people who actually seemed human to me and not a mindless robot i remember all the talks we have together good luck on what you do in life in the future also consider you the only person i will ever truely miss
@"Aki" i used to hate you alot when i was B1 mainly cause you were the reason SA were always up our asses you were a medic main and constantly made efforts to kidnap us all after i started maining ci again we were on very bad terms it took around a month but after i genuinely saw you as a great friend after speaking with steve dutch i made the decision that i would do everything i can to get you demoted now looking back if i had a second chance i wouldnt of done this
however i went through with it and im looking back and honestly i had my gripes with you but im pretty sure 90% all the shit i was told about you were completely false and i will say i am sorry for going ahead and going to SL about you
@BoltSive we didnt always get along but i always respected you somewhat you always put effort into ci and knew when you were wrong and admitted fault which made me respect you i will admit most of the time in B1 when i argued with you i was infact i dont even know why i did
@Yeahitsmemate when i joined CI at first you didnt ever really stand out to me until around november when i actually grew to be a good friend with you also you helped me alot i will regret leaving cause i wont get to speak to you again im also the best ci just gonna have to deal with it
@Nate Mercer / 'Tactician' im the best CI member that isnt CO and you know its true ?
@Kw1ll most goofy SL member i remember you blacklisting me from nu-7 when you were com cause i caused a 300 mass kill breach with the surface SCP that nu-7 just captured and released it into hcz on full hp and caused a nuke all while i was a E-11 PVT
@CursedAngel although you joined extremely late during my time span in CN you made a big impact on me i hope you have a good life
@Yeke one of the few admins that i never ever had a single negative interaction with i remember you when you were a hmod and you spoke to me in godamn july while i was playing SPC 079 when i was the biggest minge in SCP RP that conversation stuck with me even until today
@William Papyrus one of my favourite delcoms i was extremely saddened when you got demoted from delcom by sl i was also extremely happy when you got delcom back also the person who gave me gamma PLP i will always remember you man
@omrilol https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/z9ovVUkm60BTh/zHdu3gnRCmpP?invite=cr-MSx3NDAsMTU4NTEwNjcwLA one of my favourite Cos my favourite person from israel also you gave me my favourite line from anyone in CN "No give me the bomb im from israel" will miss you man :salute:
@ThatOneSaltyGerman richard you became one of my favourite Cos after we worked alot on the roster together i had alot of fun working and always fixing the shitty roster that no other CO in ci would bother to get their ass up and actually properly maintain it
hell i just realized im now running out of people to mention so imma finish this
@Simon "Kitton" A. you were a great person to speak to i thoroughly enjoyed us speaking together
@Otters i remember you when you were ECA and i was trying to get exec researcher you always gave me advice and was extremely friendly hope you become ECM again
@MrSiens my fav dor sorry milizy glad you got me exec researcher hope you one day get that dream of yours and destroy the ci regiment dclass and have a serious SCP RP roleplay server like you wanted to do
@Broda Kagen between our few interactions i always greatly respected you hope you create fun and interesting RP events make sure you have fun
@Nirvan one of my favourite CI i always looked forwards to interacting with you shame you got community blacklisted
ZeroIQSkill rookie james all those hours of playing SCP together and causing mass breaches and code blacks and even nukes forcing the entire breach system to get reworked multiple rules and nerfs for scps was great fun shame every admin is bias against you and instantly bans you as fast as they can i stayed in CN for aslong as i did at the end cause those times playing scp was just so fun
@Fran 'Krsto' @Toni @Data T0R man all those B1 days will always stick with me lads the shit we did was amazing together and if any of it was leaked i would of been community blacklisted we pulled off some of the greatest schemes and some are still going on today even though we arent there by god we all would of recieved community bles if any of the shit we did was made public to NL
@hybrisov will mention you as my fav B1 com you made B1 fun for me which was great i hope you become goc gen good luck
@Bartholemew “Blue” alen will mention you here buddy you always been a great person to me
@Bill Nye The Guy although you are the most inactive delcom on jod you were one of the best to be around O7 man
@Saphira Harlow
@Tim Wilson
@Auburn almost forgot to mention you
okay just finished now to the people in ci who are gonna wonder why i fully left i already mentioned this at the top imma mention it here now again ive been in the reg since september and have played actively this all stopped last ci gamenight during crab game where i had to be demoted from trial delcom cause of it i lost all motivation to play i also have real life closing in and next year or school also wanting to spend the summer with cousins family friends and not on garrys mod scp roleplay
it was fun here while it lasted i wont ever come back again like 99% sure i wont and if i do come back it will be on a alt account and not this account so for now this is the end of darren on CN

i got demoted from Delta PLP cause of that and ever since then i felt absolutely no motivation to play at all and i simply played for the sake of not wanting a demotion for inactivity and for how long i played i didnt want to give up but real life has taken a toll on me and ive been spending to long at the keyboard and not out enjoying my actual life i also got major school exams coming up
now i wanted to resign for some time now but i never went through with it until today where i couldnt be arsed to put any effort and was getting angry at another delcom i got demoted from WO to 1SGT and thats all i needed to push me to resign i dont want to be at odds with anyone in CI hell ive been in that regiment straight since last september and joined first in july i joined CN first on march 2022 on the 2ND which by god thats more than a year ago and i went by many different names and never stuck by 1 name until around july when i took up the name Darren Laurens
during that time i never met a single person meaningful and never did until fucking september when i only wanted to join CI back because mtf assholes were being cunts in ooc about me cause i breached as 035 and caused a mass breach and then people from CI defended me which made me want to join CI after speaking with the bcom Lucas fern specifically i wanted to get my ci blacklist removed
i eventually got it removed at the end of september where i joined ci back and played almost every day up until december when i joined B1 i stayed in B1 actively up until the end of january where i was kicked i went back to maining CI and stayed maining CI right up until well today may 13/05/2023 where after losing all motive i finally found a proper reason to resign which is now
before i end this imma leave some honarable mentions
@Snow One of the few people who actually seemed human to me and not a mindless robot i remember all the talks we have together good luck on what you do in life in the future also consider you the only person i will ever truely miss
@"Aki" i used to hate you alot when i was B1 mainly cause you were the reason SA were always up our asses you were a medic main and constantly made efforts to kidnap us all after i started maining ci again we were on very bad terms it took around a month but after i genuinely saw you as a great friend after speaking with steve dutch i made the decision that i would do everything i can to get you demoted now looking back if i had a second chance i wouldnt of done this
however i went through with it and im looking back and honestly i had my gripes with you but im pretty sure 90% all the shit i was told about you were completely false and i will say i am sorry for going ahead and going to SL about you
@BoltSive we didnt always get along but i always respected you somewhat you always put effort into ci and knew when you were wrong and admitted fault which made me respect you i will admit most of the time in B1 when i argued with you i was infact i dont even know why i did
@Yeahitsmemate when i joined CI at first you didnt ever really stand out to me until around november when i actually grew to be a good friend with you also you helped me alot i will regret leaving cause i wont get to speak to you again im also the best ci just gonna have to deal with it
@Nate Mercer / 'Tactician' im the best CI member that isnt CO and you know its true ?
@Kw1ll most goofy SL member i remember you blacklisting me from nu-7 when you were com cause i caused a 300 mass kill breach with the surface SCP that nu-7 just captured and released it into hcz on full hp and caused a nuke all while i was a E-11 PVT
@CursedAngel although you joined extremely late during my time span in CN you made a big impact on me i hope you have a good life
@Yeke one of the few admins that i never ever had a single negative interaction with i remember you when you were a hmod and you spoke to me in godamn july while i was playing SPC 079 when i was the biggest minge in SCP RP that conversation stuck with me even until today
@William Papyrus one of my favourite delcoms i was extremely saddened when you got demoted from delcom by sl i was also extremely happy when you got delcom back also the person who gave me gamma PLP i will always remember you man
@omrilol https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/z9ovVUkm60BTh/zHdu3gnRCmpP?invite=cr-MSx3NDAsMTU4NTEwNjcwLA one of my favourite Cos my favourite person from israel also you gave me my favourite line from anyone in CN "No give me the bomb im from israel" will miss you man :salute:
@ThatOneSaltyGerman richard you became one of my favourite Cos after we worked alot on the roster together i had alot of fun working and always fixing the shitty roster that no other CO in ci would bother to get their ass up and actually properly maintain it
hell i just realized im now running out of people to mention so imma finish this
@Simon "Kitton" A. you were a great person to speak to i thoroughly enjoyed us speaking together
@Otters i remember you when you were ECA and i was trying to get exec researcher you always gave me advice and was extremely friendly hope you become ECM again
@MrSiens my fav dor sorry milizy glad you got me exec researcher hope you one day get that dream of yours and destroy the ci regiment dclass and have a serious SCP RP roleplay server like you wanted to do
@Broda Kagen between our few interactions i always greatly respected you hope you create fun and interesting RP events make sure you have fun
@Nirvan one of my favourite CI i always looked forwards to interacting with you shame you got community blacklisted
ZeroIQSkill rookie james all those hours of playing SCP together and causing mass breaches and code blacks and even nukes forcing the entire breach system to get reworked multiple rules and nerfs for scps was great fun shame every admin is bias against you and instantly bans you as fast as they can i stayed in CN for aslong as i did at the end cause those times playing scp was just so fun
@Fran 'Krsto' @Toni @Data T0R man all those B1 days will always stick with me lads the shit we did was amazing together and if any of it was leaked i would of been community blacklisted we pulled off some of the greatest schemes and some are still going on today even though we arent there by god we all would of recieved community bles if any of the shit we did was made public to NL
@hybrisov will mention you as my fav B1 com you made B1 fun for me which was great i hope you become goc gen good luck
@Bartholemew “Blue” alen will mention you here buddy you always been a great person to me
@Bill Nye The Guy although you are the most inactive delcom on jod you were one of the best to be around O7 man
Honarable Mentions
@John Paul.
@Saphira Harlow
@Tim Wilson
@Auburn almost forgot to mention you
okay just finished now to the people in ci who are gonna wonder why i fully left i already mentioned this at the top imma mention it here now again ive been in the reg since september and have played actively this all stopped last ci gamenight during crab game where i had to be demoted from trial delcom cause of it i lost all motivation to play i also have real life closing in and next year or school also wanting to spend the summer with cousins family friends and not on garrys mod scp roleplay
it was fun here while it lasted i wont ever come back again like 99% sure i wont and if i do come back it will be on a alt account and not this account so for now this is the end of darren on CN
Some People i forgot to mention
@MazuzaM I remember i used to argue a fuck ton with you alot i remember us both becoming good friends when you joined CI we both worked on the TEU roster together easily one of the best people ive met on CN
@eironas my 3rd favourite CI delcom
@Michael Walker Most goofy person JK you were great fun to be around in B1 and CI i always had tons of respect for you good luck on what you do next
@appo was unsure to put you here or not but i decided to appo i used to hate you a fuck ton you were a core motive in me joining CI i dont know why but once you kicked me from CI i felt a incredible urge to rejoin you were a bit rude to me ultimately i hope you have fun in life
@noodles1502 we both started off as archenemys arguing with eachother you as mayor being so godamn goofy we were always hating eachother until you got kicked from E-11 and you apologized to me you joined CI good luck man on your future
Brewer/highlander couldnt find your name : you were the one who ultimately sparked my motivation to stop minging and try become exec researcher you were funny and taught me a fuck ton in research if it werent for you i wouldnt of even made a attempt to rectify my past actions and get my blacklists appealed
@MazuzaM I remember i used to argue a fuck ton with you alot i remember us both becoming good friends when you joined CI we both worked on the TEU roster together easily one of the best people ive met on CN
@eironas my 3rd favourite CI delcom
@Michael Walker Most goofy person JK you were great fun to be around in B1 and CI i always had tons of respect for you good luck on what you do next
@appo was unsure to put you here or not but i decided to appo i used to hate you a fuck ton you were a core motive in me joining CI i dont know why but once you kicked me from CI i felt a incredible urge to rejoin you were a bit rude to me ultimately i hope you have fun in life
@noodles1502 we both started off as archenemys arguing with eachother you as mayor being so godamn goofy we were always hating eachother until you got kicked from E-11 and you apologized to me you joined CI good luck man on your future
Brewer/highlander couldnt find your name : you were the one who ultimately sparked my motivation to stop minging and try become exec researcher you were funny and taught me a fuck ton in research if it werent for you i wouldnt of even made a attempt to rectify my past actions and get my blacklists appealed
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