Ace, Security Captain Application

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Mar 14, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:228461761
Discord name:AceDiscounti#8539
For how long have you played on CG SCP:around 330 hours
In what country are you located?:U.S.A
Time zone:EST
Character name(s):Ace
Civilian name:Ace Visconti
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:MTF E-11
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:No
Why are you applying for Security Captain? Because I would like to be able to give orders to SGT's as well as establish a certain level of respect for them as well. Gensec as of late seems very odd and I would like to try and get people to play a bit more seriously when they play gensec.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:I'm very good at listening and communication. I have a good understanding of leadership and respect.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: If this is posted somewhere do tell me)I believe the role of a captain is to retain order among the gensec and ensure everyone is doing the best they possibly can be doing.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: Being an ex military operative after 7 years of service, Cole "Ace" Weinstein was looking for a job in security detail when he was approached by a man in a 3 piece suit one day inside of a Coffee Shop. The man offered him a job he could not refuse, the pay and hours were excellent(so was the retirement plan), and decided that working for this "S.C.P Foundation" would be the perfect break from his time in the army. As he is yet soon to discover the place he works for has held a lot more secrets then he first though. Inmates constantly being brought in, escorting these inmates with men in labcoats to strange devices and objects. After some explanation it seemed "Ace" got himself into a lot more then he bargained for. However despite the strange activities that went on he decided that the pay was good enough to ignore it. After rising in the ranks from cadet to officer. He began to question the unethical actions of some of his piers trying to persuade them into remembering the Ethics Code Of Conduct. However due to him simply being an officer most higher ups would simply ignore him and his word would go unheard. This upset him and made him determined to become a higher ranking member of staff so people would actually listen to him! After becoming a SGT. in gensec, people did start to respect him more and he was able to ensure that people were not breaking the code of ethics. Ethics always came first to "Ace" because he believed no matter who you are, if you
are human, you deserve atleast the basic rights given to you at birth. Even though working in a facility with creatures and objects beyond human comprehension. He enjoyed his job working at the S.C.P Foundation and started to enjoy working with the people there. SGT. Ace could only wish to go higher and hopefully one day steer gensec into the path of greatness!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 21, 2022
Haven't been on for a bit (Life Reasons), but I do have experience with Ace.
I am Neutral

+Semi Competent
+I have had a few interactions with
-Somewhat Micspams on SCPs

-Public Opinion seems to heavily dislike
-Haven't personally seen on GENSEC other then one off chance.

Good Luck.

Seen him abuse his Sergeant role and power trip. God knows what he would do with the CL4

edit: was playing earlier and there was a cadet on the catwalk messing around. Ace just comes and insta bans him from cadet instead of talking to him and explaining what he did wrong. He doesn't realize the point of playing security cadet is to make mistakes and learn. This is called tyranny and abuse of the captain role
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