Aces Captain Application [UK]

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You are very clearly dedicated to the role of GENSEC and you are eager to become a captain, although I find issues with your maturity and competency at times.

Over the past few days, you've been making unusual remarks in comms about having "broken your boner" several times, and then instantly correcting it to 'bone', a clear display of immaturity and generally some unusual remarks in my opinion. You did this upwards of 5 times before staff intervened and told you to cut it out.

Despite acting dedicated, you've made remarks over comms that "I am in charge because the Chief of Security put me in charge so listen to what I say" (paraphrased of course, but its along the lines of that). Whilst I can appreciate you trying to take charge of a very difficult group of players, the way you phrase things makes it seem like you are trying to act like a captain when you simply aren't (yet), when there's better ways of trying to put your foot forward instead of blatantly trying to be a captain.

Whenever the term 'Garden' is mentioned in CL.3 comms, you always jump to the exact same line of "We have a garden???" which I find personally to be poor roleplay and genuinely annoying during the dire circumstances, with you filling up comms inquiring about the garden we have whilst C.I have a hostage inside of it, when you very well could choose to wait till after to create this sort of roleplay scenario (even then, I find it to be poor roleplay)

My opinion only serves to inform, I have nothing against you as a person, and you are clearly dedicated to the role. Take what I say with a grain of salt and try to improve in these ways.

Best of luck to you.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 22, 2023
- Support
You are very clearly dedicated to the role of GENSEC and you are eager to become a captain, although I find issues with your maturity and competency at times.

Over the past few days, you've been making unusual remarks in comms about having "broken your boner" several times, and then instantly correcting it to 'bone', a clear display of immaturity and generally some unusual remarks in my opinion. You did this upwards of 5 times before staff intervened and told you to cut it out.

Despite acting dedicated, you've made remarks over comms that "I am in charge because the Chief of Security put me in charge so listen to what I say" (paraphrased of course, but its along the lines of that). Whilst I can appreciate you trying to take charge of a very difficult group of players, the way you phrase things makes it seem like you are trying to act like a captain when you simply aren't (yet), when there's better ways of trying to put your foot forward instead of blatantly trying to be a captain.

Whenever the term 'Garden' is mentioned in CL.3 comms, you always jump to the exact same line of "We have a garden???" which I find personally to be poor roleplay and genuinely annoying during the dire circumstances, with you filling up comms inquiring about the garden we have whilst C.I have a hostage inside of it, when you very well could choose to wait till after to create this sort of roleplay scenario (even then, I find it to be poor roleplay)

My opinion only serves to inform, I have nothing against you as a person, and you are clearly dedicated to the role. Take what I say with a grain of salt and try to improve in these ways.

Best of luck to you.
Personally, your entire response is alot of small scale stuff that sometimes doesnt even involve things about being GSD Captain. Most of it is just banter among other Gensec. And from my own experience, i havent experienced any immaturity when it comes to Ace doing HU-T stuff. It's in fact quite the opposite.

On another note, him joking about the Garden stuff. I have yet to see anyone spam "We have a Garden" in the traditional sense. I have seen people ask it, but not spam. So i have no idea what you are on about.
Further more, him being able to have fun even in stressful times is good, since it keeps up morale among others. Only having strict and up-tight Captains isnt our main goal. While yes our main job is to maintain order in D-Block and keeping GSD in check, but we dont need to be like a military to make sure it happens.

My +support is staying right there where it belongs
Personally, your entire response is alot of small scale stuff that sometimes doesnt even involve things about being GSD Captain. Most of it is just banter among other Gensec. And from my own experience, i havent experienced any immaturity when it comes to Ace doing HU-T stuff. It's in fact quite the opposite.

On another note, him joking about the Garden stuff. I have yet to see anyone spam "We have a Garden" in the traditional sense. I have seen people ask it, but not spam. So i have no idea what you are on about.
Further more, him being able to have fun even in stressful times is good, since it keeps up morale among others. Only having strict and up-tight Captains isnt our main goal. While yes our main job is to maintain order in D-Block and keeping GSD in check, but we dont need to be like a military to make sure it happens.

My +support is staying right there where it belongs
This will be my final reply on this thread to clear up any confusion you may have, my response was only based on my personal observations and how I perceive him, it is merely my opinion and you are well within your rights to have your own. No need to pick apart my response, as it was meant as constructive criticism. If you have any questions about my response (SOLOISM or anyone else) then you are free to PM me on the forums or contact me on Discord.
from: Skinner G. Agera (
to: Ace Linguini (
Subject: Security Captain Role Assignment


The following message is a direct consensus from the General Security Leadership Office
Hello @Ace 63

First and foremost, I would like to thank you in showing interest to apply for Security Captain, likewise, this shows that you had the courage, time and effort to write to us about your interest in expanding your duties within the General Security Department. After careful consideration, as well as a vote from other Security Captains and both Security Chiefs, we have come to a final verdict. This application is to be accepted and moved on to the next phase of the recruitment stage.

Please get in contact with one of the Security Chiefs, either @Zack Baker or @Skinner to schedule an interview. I wish you the best of luck, and if any questions arise from you, report to me first.
Skinner G. Agera
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