Denied add CI vest bomber

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Oct 10, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a CI bomber class. There can be a timer before using the class like type blue. EX: 45-90 mins cooldown. And there can only be one person on it at a time. Beta+ needs a heavy weapons license to use it.
The loadout would look like this:
bomb vest (you can use the one that CSB has on MRP and would not be able to be fear RPed if added.)
Vguns_m1911 (as a secondary)
M9k_m61_frag (this will be his utility)
CI CL2 keycard

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. CI could use it to have a quick way to clear MTF/Combatives 2. New content for CI.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Could be annoying to fight against.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that new content for CI could be a nice addon for them. It makes sense for CI to have bombers to kill other people in RP. This could also add more strategy in CI raids.
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Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2023
Only way I can see this being implimented properly is using it as a hostage failsafe. Will teach Foundation not to rush hostages when they don't know who has the bomb vest on.

Using it for combative means, Im unsure. CI is quite stacked with gear as it is.
This exactly
Oct 10, 2022
I see very limited use for this except like hostage situations
there is a big use on SCP USA because of elevator camping. right now if CI raid front it is basically impossible for CI to push the floor two elevator because all of MTF and DEA would camp it. we cant push with type blue because of anchors so the CI vest bomber class would solve that big problem for CI and give MTF a new way to strategize and learn from the new class and make combat scenarios more interesting.
Oct 10, 2022
-Support No point in adding a CI Bomber. It would show no RP.
CI are a mainly combat reg so most classes should be mainly combat and RP has never been a main focus for CI. Vest bombers can add more to RP by declaring war on a GOI if and only if there is a meeting that CI know about that doesn't go with there priorities "GOC protecting Foundation vents". This would cause GOC to declare war for killing of a high ranking as of course there will be a high ranking in the meeting and depending on how the war is going on it will then most likely have a peace meeting like all wars had


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 28, 2022
VA Fredricksburg
-Support No point in adding a CI Bomber. It would show no RP.
Let me list multiple RP scenarios. Declaration of war and peace talks after. Hostage situation. False flag operations if we are to say "The vest bomber was class F by a different GOI and we have no take in this". Threatening Foundation for something that CI value. Also CSB is a RP group from none other than a combative server MRP! Guess what CSB have? VEST BOMBS!!! Guess who requested them? GM!!!!!


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 27, 2022

I see a lot of potential RP with it. Most common will be hostage situations.

But I also think this would make CI Raids a lot easier especially if you don't have to follow fearrp.

Balance reasons. CI has TB, shields , snipers , delta. The TB being a pain already because he can't be placed under fearrp.

An example of an situation : Ci bomber gets on anime nhu etc. runs to fl3 or any other place effects wear* off all of the 05, cl4, ethics are under fear all the a1 o1 as well because there is a guy with a button and 30kg of explosives on his chest.

And yes you can balance this out. By making special rules

Regardless I like the idea
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