Denied Add Rule 3.16 IFV Shooting Helis

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Active member
Jul 27, 2022
Inside your drywalls
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a rule to the Vehicles section (3.16) which suggest the following:
You are not permitted to engage helicopters with the use of IFV's.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Would hopefully reduce the lagg for JAF/ART
Would give JAF a fairer fighting chance (BMP is extremely strong against Helis)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Another rule to manage/would be a bit of a pain to moderate

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As someone who has used the BMP quite a bit, I think its safe to say that its extremely unfair and is causing alot of lagg/issuess for not only the server but JAF/ART mostly. I made this suggestion with the server health in mind, as I believe this is damaging it.

(Suggestion posted on behalf of Chillet)
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-u hitting the helis with the ifv doesnt cause the lag the ifv self cause the lag
-bmp can be edited to reduce damage or reduce it being able to look up as high
-the suggestion is more about nerfing the bmp then making it that ifvs cant shoot helis
- removing the ability from 17th or whatever their name is from using their ifvs will make the reg more weak against helis then it already is
I tested it, the lagg is MORE severe if you shoot at the skybox/helis itself, if its against ground, its less.

11th are not struggling against helis.

This suggestion is to make the lagg less (hopefully), nerfing the BMP wont resolve it
11th might not be but with abr having great pilots i can say 17th def is this isnt smart to give 17th and 11th less a chance then they already have i think a better fix is to find out whats making it lag so hard and try to find a fix for that


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
-support as much as this could be good USSR pilots are simply put just better if 17th is not able to shoot an IFV at the helis NATO will consistently lose and when it inevitably switches it will be the same for USSR just losing over and over and over again I have flown helis for a long time and it really doesn't make much of a difference if you are getting shot at or not not enough to justify taking away a counter to helis especially for how strong they already are


Active member
Mar 9, 2024
Shooting helis with IFV causes slightly more lag, but it mostly lags by just shooting at anything. Although as an ATR and JAF I hate having this lag, there is nothing we can do apart from complete removal which I doubt will happen.
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-massive support
That would make Air Regiments even more powerful, as far as I know, any IFV such as Bradley, LAV25, BTR80A and BTR90 and so on, don't do imense damage, and in some cases is not that reliable to focus on air units, when u can get AT4ed in the meantime u looking up, also IFVs are probably one of the easiest targets for Air Regiments to deal with (2/3? Hydras kill most IFVs)


Active member
Oct 18, 2023
  • Not causing the lag.
  • Is also fair for air regiments as IFV are weak.
KWKs already got removed from being allowed to be used against helicopters, we need more counters to helis rather than less

i totaly support with this statement as people without stingers (kgb/rmp) only have 2 ways to counter a heli with a IFV or a AA which is a death scentence. we can also just run away but you need to be lucky for that.
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