Denied Add Smoke-Bombs And Flash-Bangs To Armories.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[This suggestion adds smoke bombs and flash bangs to armories.]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[To my knowledge nothing has been suggested like this to add to the Armory Entity.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Postives of the suggestion would be that MTF like E-11 can use flashes and smokes to disorient SCP’s and so can DEA. Flashbangs and smokes are barely used items within the foundation and would bring life to these items and being more gameplay for these regiments and teams. I believe people would be happy getting these new items to use to help them be more strategic with their plans as well as making armories more uses as it’s kind of bland as it is.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Negatives of this suggestion might be that some mingy players will grab them and throw them making it a nuisance for other players, however it is internal affairs job to deal with this as CL3 jobs already have access to regular grenades which are much more dangerous. Other than that I can’t think of any.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Based on the Positives & Negatives I think this should be accepted because it bring much more gameplay to teams and regiments that do not get these items such as E-11, Omega-1, and Alpha-1. This will also allow for more items for DEA to use freely instead of only being limited to one, as well as also giving the armories a more realistic feel as you have a variety of items you can now pick from to help you be more strategic. Overall I think this can bring immense roleplay by adding these items for these people to use!]

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
+/- support
It an good suggestion but it might gonna get abused bad, also if mass spamming smoke it might gonna lag/crash the server (This isnt an fact it might not gonna crash the sever but probly lag it)

Billy Boy

Active member
Sep 22, 2023
i mean dea already has the some benefits over nu7, heard a couple of people thinking about maining DEA as you get spy card, authority to do what you want etc,

may not make sense to give DEA more as it could result in nu7 inactivity due to there being no reason to join, you'd only get more rules, less authority & less equipment
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Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
* CL3 is easily reachable for a minge if they are dedicated eneugh.
* As stated before, would make certain jobs/loadouts useless
* As stated before, could cause lag if overused
* Just no general need for this
Feb 13, 2023
Just no man

Armouries are so extremely easy to access, even researchers can get access to them. People could get them & just start fucking around with them around the entire site & there'd be almost no way to stop it(There are no grenade logs, meaning if they got abused the only way to know who was doing it would be clips)
I Agree it could be abused way too easily unfortunately,
Just no man

Armouries are so extremely easy to access, even researchers can get access to them. People could get them & just start fucking around with them around the entire site & there'd be almost no way to stop it(There are no grenade logs, meaning if they got abused the only way to know who was doing it would be clips)


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Flashbangs and smokes are powerful area denial tools that have to be carefully balanced and restricted in order to not be used excessively and as a crutch, you can imagine the average CI raid would be far more frustrating if every single Alpha had 3 flashbangs and a smoke grenade.

The Current system is that flashbangs and smokes are restockable to the jobs that spawn with them as part of their loadouts by use of the ammo resupply boxes. This system allows for them to be used without becoming obscene.

The End result of your suggestion would be that every single combative on the server, excluding the CL1 and CL2 of gensec would go into every encounter with 3 flashbangs and a smoke grenade, which would make them obscenely overused and make combat unfun and a slog.

Please also remember that the other Factions, the UNGOC and CI also have armories, giving them access to these very same tools.

The current system of having specialist jobs with these tools that allow players to use them strategically as a limited tool is preferable, if you believe that they are used too infrequently, I would reccomend making a suggestion about having these tools added to certain limited jobs, which may be considered by the content team for any future revision of the job loadouts that may happen.

The proposal of having these objects effectively become "unlimited" would be severely damaging to gameplay.

Flashes and smoke have the potential to give you a severe tactical advantage. Preventing people from spotting you instantly when breaching in a room or just making them blind making them bassicaly unable to defend themselves. Both of these have huge potential that is why they are locked to specific jobs. If everyone had flashes and smoke, cqc combat would be terrible straight up.
Flashbangs and smokes are powerful area denial tools that have to be carefully balanced and restricted in order to not be used excessively and as a crutch, you can imagine the average CI raid would be far more frustrating if every single Alpha had 3 flashbangs and a smoke grenade.

The Current system is that flashbangs and smokes are restockable to the jobs that spawn with them as part of their loadouts by use of the ammo resupply boxes. This system allows for them to be used without becoming obscene.

The End result of your suggestion would be that every single combative on the server, excluding the CL1 and CL2 of gensec would go into every encounter with 3 flashbangs and a smoke grenade, which would make them obscenely overused and make combat unfun and a slog.

Please also remember that the other Factions, the UNGOC and CI also have armories, giving them access to these very same tools.

The current system of having specialist jobs with these tools that allow players to use them strategically as a limited tool is preferable, if you believe that they are used too infrequently, I would reccomend making a suggestion about having these tools added to certain limited jobs, which may be considered by the content team for any future revision of the job loadouts that may happen.

The proposal of having these objects effectively become "unlimited" would be severely damaging to gameplay.
Agreed, perhaps it should be limited to CL4 Combatives or have a 60min cooldown or limited jobs as you said.
+/- Support
I do feel like more roles need access to them, but I'm not sure adding them to armouries is the way to go. I do plan on making a suggestion that e.g. E-11 Breacher would have them as it makes sense for their role, and maybe that's also the case with some other roles, but like people have said I'm not sure I like the idea of everyone on site having them.

If it is added to armouries or generally in any way, it would be good for them to have a long cooldown.

Flashes and smoke have the potential to give you a severe tactical advantage. Preventing people from spotting you instantly when breaching in a room or just making them blind making them bassicaly unable to defend themselves. Both of these have huge potential that is why they are locked to specific jobs. If everyone had flashes and smoke, cqc combat would be terrible straight up.
agree -support
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