Denied adding weapon checker to A-1 operative

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Joshua Anderson

Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2024
Add the weapon checker tool to the A-1 operative.

i am unsure weather this has been suggested before.

positives: this added feature would make kidnapping or conviscating items much easier.

this means you dont need a specialist role to be on site to conviscate items.

Negatives: people might use it to mess around but its A-1 i doubt this would happen much.

based on the negatives and positives this minor change would help A-1 operatives to do certain tasks. it would be a very helpful tool for enlisteds in A-1 who cant access other jobs
Both Denied for A-1 Operatives. This suggestion is also extremely one-sided, as you don't mention O-1 operatives. Also also, this provides no difference to the past suggestions, nor different reasonings that it wasn't already denied for.

Both Denied for A-1 Operatives. This suggestion is also extremely one-sided, as you don't mention O-1 operatives. Also also, this provides no difference to the past suggestions, nor different reasonings that it wasn't already denied for.

Other than it being denied what would be the downside to AO getting weapon checkers?
Other than it being denied what would be the downside to AO getting weapon checkers?
having every class be able to do everything entails a lot of toe-stepping
need a d-class for sampling? let gensec help you
captured a GOI? comms DEA to strip their weapons

class role separations have already been and will continue to be mitigated due to perma weapons and loose enforcement on departmental jurisdictions
having every class be able to do everything entails a lot of toe-stepping
need a d-class for sampling? let gensec help you
captured a GOI? comms DEA to strip their weapons

class role separations have already been and will continue to be mitigated due to perma weapons and loose enforcement on departmental jurisdictions
Speaking as both A former e-11 and o-1 com / co the ability to weapon check would not stop gensec it means that any people AO or deal with can be dealt all it needs is a policy stating that they cannot deal with declass using it
Other than it being denied what would be the downside to AO getting weapon checkers?
Referring to these 4 Suggestions I found from a 2 minute search (A, B, C, D)

A was denied "due to the fact having a lot of equipment on one job discourages RP and interactions between players". This point was mentioned above by grunger, and I can agree, as it would be AO even more of a 1 Man Army as their loadout currently is.
B & C were denied because "Loadout reworks are already in progress", which even if the reason for A's denial was ignored, this suggestion is completely pointless considering the Loadout reworks are already in progress.
As for D, I don't know what the fuck was going on there won't lie.

But anywho. The point is that this suggestion
>Doesn't change anything from former suggestions
>Does not address any issues from the former suggestions
>Still continues the same issues as the former suggestions
>Is pointless as "Loadout reworks are already in progress", so this suggestion doesn't mean anything.

Personally I disagree with Operative getting it even after the Loadout rework (As long as everyone who should, gets it as well), but those are the reasonings for why I disagree with this suggestion.
-Support on ur reply stinky


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Joshua Anderson

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We don't believe A-1 operatives need a weapon checker and previous suggestions have been denied regarding this. We are always looking to balance loadouts currently there are enough Jobs with weapon checkers that can assist in the daily activities.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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