Denied Additional Cooking Locations in the Foundation

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
May 1, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

More cooking areas that are not restricted specifically to the breach shelter and the cafeteria halfway through Entrance Zone or maybe concession areas that can be set up with the ability to cook smaller items like bread or other single item recipes

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Probably, but not since the new map update. It's more a suggestion to bring back a cooking area in PW or in another regiment's area.

Possible positives of your suggestion:

Can give people more of a reason to be in PW rather than loitering during a breach or another scenario such as entering/exiting locations like Security Sector, ISD or Core.
The journey to the cafeteria is often times blocked or overly inconvenient in certain scenarios, along with the placement of certain things in the kitchen (IE the cutting boards that place food you cut into the wall) so having a separate area to cook that is more open would help
Allows chefs to have more RP potential and work potential outside of the cafeteria, the place of majority of their work

Possible Negatives of your suggestion:

Possibly lessens the amount of RP conducted with chefs
Can possibly get in the way of certain things happening if not executed properly (Such as it being placed in front of medbay)

Based on the positives and negatives of your suggestion, why should your suggestion be added?:

If we were able to cook more items in places such as a small concession area, chefs might be more inclined to initiate RP in areas where they can sell, and be more interactive with the D-Class and GENSEC who are restricted with what they can cook as a result of their location and where they can go. It would also give more opportunity and incentive to actually talk to chefs who frequently cook as opposed to them being almost completely confined to a small part of the map to do their job.
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