[Addons Application] Kowaru


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024
In-game name:
F 'Kowaru' | C 'Shikanoko Noko' | CI Ramiel |GOC Kowaru

Steam ID:


For how long have you played on our servers?:
Around 8 Months

What country are you from?:

Time Zone:

Do you have a mic?:

Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones:
No, https://civilnetworks.net/community...ion-gaks-addon-application.29500/#post-217940

Have you received any bans?:

How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):

Do you have any experience with Git?:
Yes, through school

Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
Minor developer in a old dark rp server, but here the projects I have created in a attempt to create a portfolio for the server. I have focused on entities and am currently creating more scripts,

gprinterbase - The base entity used for creating new printers based upon it, like the old printers in dark rp a long time ago that were all the same, just different colors

grockbase- The base entitiy used for rocks, like a mining script used on dark rp servers.

gscavengebox - Inspired by civilnetworks, I attempted to create the scavenging on surface in my own way, after talking with klua about this as I thought it was more difficult than I thought it was, so I recreated it in a simple manor.

pickaxe - The pickaxe weapon used for the mining system. The rock entity has a defined spawn based on what type of rock it is, and the pickaxe spawns that entity when it is mined, even though it says gprintersilver this is because I have not created the full system for this yet, but would like to create a full type mining system once I have created an inventory system.

realityBending - This weapon is not complete yet but I am working on it, It was inspired by Type Green A's powers, and works on NPC's and other players (Except for kill, as kill only works on players. I know showing incomplete work is not the best, but I have created parts of it that I will be completing soon and wanted the completed progress to be shown.

gBank - A banking system that is more secure than the last one. Transferring is not fully setup, as I started focusing on entities as I wanted to get a more secure one setup per my last application, and do more work on entities and weapons.
gHud - A client side hud

New Feature Since Posting start here:
Created an inventory system that allows players to press E on a npc, and sell the items that are currently in their inventory. Found at
Scripts | cl_gsell.lua, sv_gsell.lua
Entities | gsellent, gsellnpc, gsellrock
gsellent is the base entity for all future entities that are sellable, when you pick up the entitiy through control + e at the same time, it is added to your inventory. To access the selling part of it, you go up to gsellnpc and look at its feet (bad model pick) and press e, which will then open a menu and you're able to sell the item.

How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
Currently I can commit to around 10-15 hours per week, my school schedule this semester is hectic but I enjoy developing on gmod in my free time.

Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I would like to be a developer to further my own skills, and create an enjoyable experince for others. I am a computer science student, and enjoy developing and problem solving greatly. Through GLua, I have found that it is fun to create scripts and I enjoy working on the problems of creating systems that players can use, and to me the scripts that are currently within the server are very fun to think about their inner workings, and I would like to be a part of the team that helps creates the scripts. I believe that I can help the team with creating new scripts, addressing issues, and overall helping scripts become better as I enjoy working on issues until they are complete, allowing me to (for lack of a better term) send it on scripts, and work on them until they are done. I believe that joining the team will help me improve greatly, and I believe that I will be able to contribute to the development team.
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