In-game name: Rito Munro Fraser
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45160495
Age: 20
For how long have you played on our servers?: ~2 Years - I have 1069 hours on SCP:RP according to the 1 Year achievement
What country are you from?: Denmark
Time Zone: CET (GMT+1)
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: This is my first Dev application
Have you received any bans?: No
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): I'd put myself at a 5
Do you have any experience with Git?: Although not extensive, I have on multiple occasions used Git for collaborative work and version control for personal projects.
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?: Outside of making addons purely for practicing GLua, no.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?: I am unsure, but would estimate 10-15 hours, although may be higher at times, depending on if I'm busy or not.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?: Given the large quantity of time I have spent on the server, I, like many others, really enjoy and appreciate the community that is CivilNetworks (SCP:RP specifically in my case). As such I would love to be given the chance to help the community improve.
I frequently hear (and occasionally partake myself too) players talk about how they wish the server received more updates, and the general response is typically that there isn't enough developer resources to address the player's demands. Given that I have a large amount of experience (and interest) in programming, I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to help.
My reasoning for rating myself 5/10, in terms of GLua confidence, is that my experience with developing on gmod is not too extensive. However, what I do have extensive knowledge in is Luau, a fork of Lua developed and maintained by Roblox Corporation. Luau, being a fork of Lua, is fully compatible with Lua code, and as such I am extremely familiar with Lua syntax, and as an extension of that, have found GLua syntax to be similar too.
As mentioned, I have a lot of experience with Luau. This experience is from doing game development on the Roblox platform over the span of 8 years.
In those 8 years, I have worked on, and released, multiple games onto Roblox, totalling more than 20 million impressions (individual plays, not unique players). While Roblox' API and design patterns differ from those of gmod GLua, I believe many of my skills from this past experience carries over.
Additionally, I am currently 3 semesters deep into getting my bachelors degree in Computer Science, which I hope speaks to my investment in the topic of programming, and to some degree my knowledge of the field.
I would love to show some of my previous code, unfortunately I will not show the code from the aforementioned Roblox games, as some of them are still operating. However, like I mentioned, my GLua experience consists of me writing addons to practice my GLua skills, and to get used to the gmod APIs, as such, I have in the past 2 days developed 2 addons that I would like to share:
GitHub Link: SCP-682 SWEP
Video: Link
Description: This addons adds a single SWEP to the game, titled "SCP 682". Upon equipping this SWEP, all other weapons are cleared from the players inventory, their model is changed to that of SCP 682, and a UI will appear at the top of their screen.
Just as on SCP:RP, the SCP 682 SWEP has a left click bite attack, and a right click roar attack.
The bite does damage in an AoE in front of the player, and the roar stuns nearby players.
Unlike on the SCP:RP server, this SWEP tracks a stat for 682 called "Regenerative Force", which is reduced upon taking damage, but increases with each kill, capping at 300%.
This stat scales the size, regen, and max health of SCP-682, which I feel is more inline with the lore of the SCP.
Do note: The stun of the roar currently only applies to players, and not NPCs. This is due to how HL NPCs use weapons, and is hard for me to fix without significant effort (at least as far as I could figure out)
GitHub Link: Money System
Description: This one is pretty much taken directly from the grading guide.
It is a primitive money system, which includes a UI at the top of the screen, that shows how much money the player is currently carrying.
The addon adds an "ATM" entity, which uses imgui, a 3D2D library, for its UI. This ATM allows the player to withdraw or deposit money to their bank account.
Both the player's wallet and bank account is saved to a file using JSON encoding, and is properly loaded upon joining the game.
Please do note that I haven't gotten around to cleaning up the code for this addon yet, so it might be a bit messy, I usually like to ensure the functionality is right before I start refactoring to make the code cleaner.
While these codebases may not be perfect, or may go against some standard practices I am unaware of, please take into account that this is what I was able to produce in the span of 2 days on the side of working on assignments and playing on the server, while being mostly unfamiliar with GLua.
If you remain unconvinced of my capabilities, please feel free to reach out to me, and I will do me best to address any concerns.
Thank you for reading.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45160495
Age: 20
For how long have you played on our servers?: ~2 Years - I have 1069 hours on SCP:RP according to the 1 Year achievement
What country are you from?: Denmark
Time Zone: CET (GMT+1)
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: This is my first Dev application
Have you received any bans?: No
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): I'd put myself at a 5
Do you have any experience with Git?: Although not extensive, I have on multiple occasions used Git for collaborative work and version control for personal projects.
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?: Outside of making addons purely for practicing GLua, no.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?: I am unsure, but would estimate 10-15 hours, although may be higher at times, depending on if I'm busy or not.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?: Given the large quantity of time I have spent on the server, I, like many others, really enjoy and appreciate the community that is CivilNetworks (SCP:RP specifically in my case). As such I would love to be given the chance to help the community improve.
I frequently hear (and occasionally partake myself too) players talk about how they wish the server received more updates, and the general response is typically that there isn't enough developer resources to address the player's demands. Given that I have a large amount of experience (and interest) in programming, I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to help.
My reasoning for rating myself 5/10, in terms of GLua confidence, is that my experience with developing on gmod is not too extensive. However, what I do have extensive knowledge in is Luau, a fork of Lua developed and maintained by Roblox Corporation. Luau, being a fork of Lua, is fully compatible with Lua code, and as such I am extremely familiar with Lua syntax, and as an extension of that, have found GLua syntax to be similar too.
As mentioned, I have a lot of experience with Luau. This experience is from doing game development on the Roblox platform over the span of 8 years.
In those 8 years, I have worked on, and released, multiple games onto Roblox, totalling more than 20 million impressions (individual plays, not unique players). While Roblox' API and design patterns differ from those of gmod GLua, I believe many of my skills from this past experience carries over.
Additionally, I am currently 3 semesters deep into getting my bachelors degree in Computer Science, which I hope speaks to my investment in the topic of programming, and to some degree my knowledge of the field.
I would love to show some of my previous code, unfortunately I will not show the code from the aforementioned Roblox games, as some of them are still operating. However, like I mentioned, my GLua experience consists of me writing addons to practice my GLua skills, and to get used to the gmod APIs, as such, I have in the past 2 days developed 2 addons that I would like to share:
GitHub Link: SCP-682 SWEP
Video: Link
Description: This addons adds a single SWEP to the game, titled "SCP 682". Upon equipping this SWEP, all other weapons are cleared from the players inventory, their model is changed to that of SCP 682, and a UI will appear at the top of their screen.
Just as on SCP:RP, the SCP 682 SWEP has a left click bite attack, and a right click roar attack.
The bite does damage in an AoE in front of the player, and the roar stuns nearby players.
Unlike on the SCP:RP server, this SWEP tracks a stat for 682 called "Regenerative Force", which is reduced upon taking damage, but increases with each kill, capping at 300%.
This stat scales the size, regen, and max health of SCP-682, which I feel is more inline with the lore of the SCP.
Do note: The stun of the roar currently only applies to players, and not NPCs. This is due to how HL NPCs use weapons, and is hard for me to fix without significant effort (at least as far as I could figure out)
GitHub Link: Money System

Description: This one is pretty much taken directly from the grading guide.

It is a primitive money system, which includes a UI at the top of the screen, that shows how much money the player is currently carrying.
The addon adds an "ATM" entity, which uses imgui, a 3D2D library, for its UI. This ATM allows the player to withdraw or deposit money to their bank account.
Both the player's wallet and bank account is saved to a file using JSON encoding, and is properly loaded upon joining the game.
Please do note that I haven't gotten around to cleaning up the code for this addon yet, so it might be a bit messy, I usually like to ensure the functionality is right before I start refactoring to make the code cleaner.
While these codebases may not be perfect, or may go against some standard practices I am unaware of, please take into account that this is what I was able to produce in the span of 2 days on the side of working on assignments and playing on the server, while being mostly unfamiliar with GLua.
If you remain unconvinced of my capabilities, please feel free to reach out to me, and I will do me best to address any concerns.
Thank you for reading.
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