Advanced Black Suit/Grey Suit Prototype

Amaya Stone has begun creating a Grey Suit at the request of the UNGOC regional General; & the UN HIGHCOM. While not fufilling the current requests, a prototype version has been created for a special forces group known as "Blackout", a unit trained to utilize the Grey Suit.

Inspired by the Absolute Exclusion Harness(SCP-5000).

Further lore can be found here regarding the request HIGHCOM made, & any development or updates regarding the Grey Suit.

I don't know how to do these so stick with me on this lol

EDIT-1: Updated the initial document research-y stuff to be more realistic & better written !!
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I also have plans to make this a universal PAC3 with extra model stuffs like a medical variant & possible marksmen and/or strike/assessment team versions, but to be fair I don't know how those would look. The medical one is easy, I already finished that since it's basically just a helmet-tape risking to red instead of grey.
Eventually either the suit will get added as it's own thing(?) or my PAC3 will get approved for use & I can keep developing it until it do camo go brrt hehehe
Currently though there is a mask-toggle which flips the visor up, the chemlight uh.. lighting.. & I added physics to it as a toggle, so you can crack & drop a chemlight, or keep it on you for personal lighting, or I guess drop an unlit chemlight... very cool !!!
There is also also an AR-15 holstered weapon that is only toggled on IF you have an AR-15 on your person, & it's changed a little to the handguard is cool-ified, & has a RDS on it too, & its extra cool cuz it also replaces the AR-15 model but it's still the same model !!!!!!
looks very cool- this would screw up most of your weapon animations (unless you did some weird event stuff or made custom animations when certain weapons are out) but i think it'd look even cooler if the shoulders were pushed out a little bit so the inner parts of your arms dont clip into your torso
It doesn't interfere with animations at all.
Get on civi and walk up to a GOC member and tell them their the GOC and see what happens.
They don't have GOC taped to their helmet, so knowing they are "GOC" is obviously an info breach. Walking up to someone with "E-11" written on their vest and saying "you are E-11" is not an info breach either. Additional excuses can be made as well, such as different abbreviations, "response unit", a training designation, etc.

Walk up to an Nu-7 and say 008 and Site-Command doesn't bat an eye, but add "SCP" & "Zombie Virus" to it and the server goes wild.

HOWEVER, if it IS deemed an info breach I can simply cover it up, it isn't that hard. Texture editing is easy, I'm just too lazy to update something I think looks pretty cool...