Aki's O5-6 "Cowboy" Application

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Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125582685

Discord name: Dan k Joestar#9075

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Started playing around December, and I believe I have about 2 weeks in-game.


In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Aki "Nagi" Joestar - Foundation
Nagi - CI

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 LTCOM (held)
MTF Nu-7 Major (holding)

CI Beta (held)
CI Alpha (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
I've received a warning for combat cuffing * I remember Jason taking that sit ? and warning me big up*
I've also received a warning for Minor Glitching, I was glitched into the bottom of the map and I wanted to see if I could still damage 323 while being under the map so I shot a couple of times *very dumb*

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I am applying for the role of O5, specifically O5-6 "Cowboy". I'm applying for the role of O5 as I would love to take a more active role in leading the foundation I believe with my experience and my knowledge I can assist greatly and be a valuable member of the O5. I have played on the server for a long time now and I've spent my whole time being an MTF member this may seem like a negative thing for my application because it's not part of the site administration team however, I deem it as a positive as it's given me hands-on experience with how the foundation runs which will allow me to voice my opinions with ease. My roleplaying skills would make me a unique member of the council as I can be serious but I do have a sense of humor which means I would act "goofy" in non-serious situations but never in serious situations.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe I'm the best candidate for the O5 council because of numerous things, which are as followed. My experience of being a Nu-7 CO and an LTCOM has given me plenty of skills it's allowed me to polish my leadership skills, it's also helped me become a much better mentor to my subordinates, and I also hold a good ability to juggle multiple responsibilities as an O5 council member must do, I have built upon my problem-solving and decision-making skills to be outstanding which will allow me to make important decisions with no error. My interpersonal skills can also make me a useful O5 character as I have good relationships with most people in the foundation, this would allow me to work closely with my staff. My dedication to completing tasks to the best of my ability has no limits, I will do anything in order to ensure the work I give will be outstanding.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The responsibility of the O5 council in roleplay is to monitor and manage every department that is in the foundation hierarchy, this can be done by directly speaking to the respective department leaders to get a grasp on how their department is doing however, the council will ultimately decide how their department is doing. The council also has a responsibility to ensure policies procedures and legal codex that are set are being followed correctly, The O5 council is also tasked with working alongside the Ethics Committees or in some cases to oppose them. The O5 Council is responsible for leading their own A-1 operatives as well, giving them tasks to complete for the Council and etc. They can also authorise the usage of the Alph-Warhead in extreme cases when all hope is lost.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The responsibilities of the Council out of RP are to handle applications, take part in TS3 meetings for any matter that needs to be discussed ooc and I personally believe another responsibility is to maintain good relations outside of the game by communicating with people in discord, TeamSpeak or in OOC chat.

The applications the Council has to decide on are;

Overseer Assistant
Site Administration
Dpt Director of Research
Dpt Director of Intelligence
Chief of Security
Dpt Director of Internal affairs ( which is a joint decision with the Ethics committee )
O5 positions

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Aki Joestar is originally from Japan but he had moved to the United Kingdom at a young age, he was always interested in joining the military as his father did so as soon as he could join the military he took the chance in 1996. He had served in the military for 10 years before leaving the military as he was recruited by a Foundation Agent who was impressed by his past experience as a soldier, his career started in the Security Department as he was employed as a Cadet he wasn't a Cadet for too long and was promoted to the role of officer which he had served for a few years before joining Moblie Task Force Nu-7 Hammer down, he was recruited by Major REDACTED as he saw Aki was an experienced and skilled soldier.
His past experience with the military allowed him to flow through the ranks faster than anyone else, his loyalty and dedication did not go unnoticed as he was able to reach the rank of lieutenant, and as a lieutenant, he was able to make use of more of his past experience of being in the military which made him a flawless leader, he had continued to be promoted through the ranks Captain then Major and in the end Lieutenant commander which was the peak of his career in the foundation, he had served with Commander REDACTED for years and most people would say the two commanders were the best that have ever been seen in Nu-7 history but who knows. However, Aki was charged with multiple accounts of breaking the code of Ethics and was demoted to Major for a week. Aki was a well-known person by most people and was admired by most, even the O5 Council.
One late evening Aki was in his bunks on his computer completing paperwork he needed to do, he had received a certain email from Site Admiinsitorion, the email had contained the following.

Aki Joestar your attendance is required by​

Site Administration​

tomorrow at 2 pm you will be picked up by a certain Operative who will lead you where you need to be.​

Signed by Site Administration

Aki was confused as this was not a normal procedure to schedule a meeting but nevertheless, he was going to follow the order he was given, as soon as he had completed all the work he had needed to do he went to sleep.
As he woke up he had gone and got his daily coffee that he normally gets to wake him up, while he was in the cafe he had looked at the clock which was positioned nicely above the foundation logo, and he realized the time was 2 pm he had noticed an Operative dressed in all black heading towards him, he understood it was time for what he was called for.

As the operative came up directly opposite him,
Aki had said "I guess you're here for me? let me finish my cheeky croissant first they're really good yknow?"

The operative did not say a word but Aki fully understood that this person was not someone you talk to as a friend

Aki had expressed his sadness he wouldn't be able to finish his croissant " *sigh* alright I'll finish it later, take me where you need to"

The operative took out a blindfold and had put it on him, Aki did not question this and let it happen. he had counted how many steps they had taken as he had nothing else to do, then he heard the sound of an elevator coming down. He stepped out of the elevator and walked once again towards something he was not ready for, he entered a room and felt 24 eyes on him this was the first time Aki had felt anxious in a long time he couldn't understand the feeling.

O5-█ - "Take off the blindfold" the operative followed the order,
Aki could finally see all the eyes that were staring down at him.

"Welcome Lieutenant commander or should I say, Major Aki," said O5-█ " You may be confused on why you have been summoned here but do not fear, it is all for a good purpose"

O5-█had said " Your loyalty has not gone unseen nor has it been dismissed from recent events, I have called you here today to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I believe you to be the best candidate to be given this opportunity and the others think so too. I'm giving you the chance to join me and the others to become a sitting members of the council. Your answer?"

Aki was shocked, he had no clue that his career would only continue to glow. He answered swiftly " I'll take that opportunity, I won't fail you I promise, I'm grateful that you have seen me as a worthy candidate."

O5-█ said in a calm voice " Welcome to the council"

Thank you reading !!!!!!! :))
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022

+ Well-written application
+ The best Nu-7 LTCOM ever
+ Very mature and friendly when he needs to be.

Overall even though the +s are very specific he is just someone who I believe is very fit for the role, even though he was demoted in a tribunal I believe that it was a bit harsh (especially since people do a lot worse lmao).

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Reactions: Joestar


Well-known Member
May 28, 2022
+Very mature and friendly
+Very active

Yn fy marn i, Aki is a perfect fit for this role due to him being extremely well liked by the player base.

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Reactions: Joestar

Deleted member 1291

Application Denied

Hello @Joestar

Thank you for taking your time to make an application.
The council has decided that your are not suitable to be part of the council.
I recommend you rethink your characters story line as well as gain further experience as other senior roles.

You may reapply in 1 week.

O5-2 "The Umbra"​
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