Alex Dingle's leave

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
I won't make this long il try to keep it short, I have seen a large decline in my activity on CN as of recent, i don't realy feel like playing it anymore, so il be putting this up here to make sure everyone knows.

@Otters - I was sad to see you leave but then come back, but now its time for me to leave
@Jimmy Swan - Worst TMOD i have ever seen
@RoxieCat2003 - I believe this is Cuddles? Otherwise i will feel stupid. I love your pacs and i believe they make my immersion just a tad bit better.

If i forgot to put you here, well your loss.

I will probably sometimes hop on, but never be as active as i just to be.
Farewell CN.