Alex "Monke" Smith Exctiv App

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:442142081
Discord AlxeIsOg#6358
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8.3D play time and over 2 months on the server.
In what country are you located?:Iraq.
Time zone:GMT+3.
Character name(s): Alex "Monke" Smith
Civilian name:Alex "Monke" John
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-Uk.
Do you have a mic?: Yes. (Just got a better one aswell)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Am a CI-A, Am also RRT officer.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I have three warns, First one Toxicity [from when i started playing] Now when I started playing the server I didn't really know how toxic was toxic, And I spoke ill about someone, Whice lead to this warn whice I deserve.
Warn two [ERP] [About 2 weeks ago i think maybe more] Now you might think its bad, But its really not, I was trying to make someone laugh and I said am the penis inspoctor, And am not sure why he got really pissed at me called a sit on me and i got the warn, My intention was to make someone laugh, And I don't think i deserve the warn but I have accpeted it.
Warn three [Fail rp] [This one was a week and 3 days ago] I sold a gun to a D class as a chef, I deserve and am glad I got it.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
There are many reasons am apply for Executive researcher, First I have done so many tests and so many crosstests to the point where my last cross test was 966x7722, That tells you just how much I have tested CL3 and under SCPs, All my crosstest got apporved (if anyone was going to ask) And I would say every 10 tests only one would fail, I don't upload all tests, As I only upload perfect documents, My point is am bored of my CL3 under SCPs , I want to do more like read and grade documents, And approve crosstests and over see Crosstests, Be able to defend my researchers when they break CoE and CoC in IA area.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
Now I think am suitable for Executive researcher for many reasons, One is that All my uploaded documents are excellent excpet one ( ? ) And i have overseen my tests done by Jr's and Researchers, I have rated doucments made by JR's and told them how to make it better, I have Trained about 7 Jr's and helped alot of Jr's with the first test, I also read and watch SCP videos/wiki for fun so i know much lore about the SCP foundtion and its SCPs, That am sure many if you don't, I also think we need some more Executive researchers as some times my documents take forever to be approved and graded And if you ask me thats not good, I also have good realtionships with many other Executive researchers (not sure if i can name them :p).
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have 5 6 excellent graded documents.
[Scp 939-1 939-2] [Scp 106] [Scp 049] [Scp 457] [Scp 7722] [000-2](also I have a good graded document because of a single spelling mistake ? its 860) What makes a Document excellent?
Now this is a qustion that will differ from person to person, I think a excellent document needs to have thought in it, And not something wrote up in a matter of minutes, Something that is diffrent than otherss, It doesn't need to be new, It needs to be creative, A test with a single method and a single aim (and both being genric like to get a sample and to help the foundtion) That test would be "Good" at best never excellent, For a test to be excllent in my opinion, It needs three methods threeo aims a photo of the SCP and a test with a conclusion. Now this can differ say 6 aims and a single method that would be excllent, And 6 methods but a single aim would also be excllent, Now the test itself can effect the grade, Say if the test is short and the conclusion didn't allow us to learn anything new, That would not be a excllent Document but a "Good" graded one, I want a test that makes it look like it was made by a real reasearcher, and a conclusion that makes me understand the SCP better, Thats what i call a excellent document.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Now from what I have seen, The responsibilities of a executive are either Oversee/Help/Counduct/Grade.
Oversee: Overseeing tests is very important as some researchers don't know what to do, And how to test certein SCPs whice can result in bad Documents or even breachs, And we don't want that, so thats where overseeing comes in, The executive would look at the researcher doing the test, And stop him anytime he is about to do something wrong, and correct him. Help: Executive researchers are the smartest and most that have conducted tests, And a result of that, Is that we know most of about Scps and heance we can help researchers or are struggling or unable to test some Scps like, 076 because he is a hard scp to learn how to test, Thats where i would come in and explain to the researcher how to test 076 the best methods and why we should test him. Conduct: there are many CL4 scps like 079 682 008 and more (if they add more and they should btw) Now CL3 can't test on them without auth whice makes them not want to test them, They don't like going around site running around looking for a executive, This is where we excecutives come in, We test on 079 682 and 008 as we don't need to auth (most of the time) We can coduct the tests, Make reports, And sumbit, This way we can expand the experment log. Grade: Am sure you all know grading can only be done by CL4 or more, There isn't much to talk about as it doesn't need anymore explaintion.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:Am quite bad at making lore but here we go||| A normal teen at age 15 named Alex Smith born and raised at the city of Iraq when it was at war, There wasn't much for Alex there at the time all he did was study as his whole family were doctors, He mostly studies bio, He was the best in his class hell even in the school, One day he had the option to enter the english GCSE (real thing btw) He didn't want at first but he did not have much choice as he didn't have much to do, So he entered, Studying collage level bio phsyics and chem, day in and day out, Till the test came, He was nervous yet he looked clam and ready, His arms were weak knees were heavy, but he was ready none the less, He knew the avrg score was 70, He was hoping for at least 60, He waited a whole week for the results, And thats when he saw it placed at first place with a 100% score, He was shocked, He knew he was smart but this much?!. He then took a P.E.T exam, Whice if he also got 100% he would be able to skip all 3 grades he had left of high school, And so he did, getting yet another 100% skipping all the way to collage, Where he entered Bio chem, Medcine, and enginerring, Placing top at the collage in all 3 and getting 3 master PHDs in all 3, Making him quite smart, Thats when he went to canada, Being a quite overqualified 30 year old ( 30 is about the right age as all 3 of these collages take 4-6 years) He didn't know what to do, So, he went to work for a startup Bio company named Candas ORBco. Whice happens to be one of the foundtions covor up companys, so thats when he enterted the foundtion, Started as a CL1, and not knowing much he did some normal tests worked his way up the lader, one of his tests being a test on 860, Whice turned sour quite quick when the D class refused to exit, but once he reached CL3 thats when his most knowen test came into play, Asking 049 qustions about biology and real medicne, This test reilved 049 real info about biology and medince, The test was amazing beyond creative, It allowed so many other tests to come, Soon being noticed by the COG-3 Lead "BREWER" He was accpeted into COG-3 and after working for COG-3 for quite some time he was soon noticed by the DoR and made a excutive researcher, What happend to him then, Well we don't know as the story is still being writen. (By this i mean, That this part of the story is right now)
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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
+ Support (Overall)


+ Active.

+ Good interactions.

+ Good researcher.

+ Division Member
+/- Slightly racist.

+/- No bans, warnings are semi-common mishaps that happen to a lot of people.


+ Detailed application.

+ Good understanding of Excellent documents.

+ Good understanding of the role.

+ Presented nicely.
+/- Lore is fairly average.
  • Like
Reactions: brewr
Hello Alex "Monke" Smith I will be leaving a - Neutral due to the following reasons:

- Questionable activity within the research department from personal interactions and observations.
- Unsure if you are ready to become an Executive and or hold the qualities needed from such role.
- Unaware of leadership and or teaching abilities.

Overall good luck!
  • Like
Reactions: brewr


Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2022

+Has extensive knowledge of research protocols
+In depth lore knowledge
+Good sense of humour

This guy also has a good sense of humour.
  • Like
Reactions: brewr
Jun 19, 2022
  • Active in ScD
  • Well written App. Understands role.
  • Great Documents
Hi Alex, I'll give you a +Support. I've seen you around the facility as a researcher and I've seen that you perform your duties well. I've also seen some of your documents and they are great too. Due to your friendly nature, I feel like you would be great at helping other researchers as an Executive.
  • Like
Reactions: brewr
Hello Alex "Monke" Smith I will be leaving a - Neutral due to the following reasons:

- Questionable activity within the research department from personal interactions and observations.
- Unsure if you are ready to become an Executive and or hold the qualities needed from such role.
- Unaware of leadership and or teaching abilities.

Overall good luck!
I don't know what interactions you are talking about, As i have only interacted with you once as Gensec officer.

Good interactions, decent application
Thank you edward!!!!
-Helps people
-Fun to be with
-Excellent documents
Wow, you didn't mention cyanide or Viktor. Am proud of you

+Has extensive knowledge of research protocols
+In depth lore knowledge
+Good sense of humour

This guy also has a good sense of humour.
Thank you, I also have good interactions with you as well, you are also very funny.
+ Support

Facts stated above ^^^
Same thing i stated above.
  • Active in ScD
  • Well written App. Understands role.
  • Great Documents
Hi Alex, I'll give you a +Support. I've seen you around the facility as a researcher and I've seen that you perform your duties well. I've also seen some of your documents and they are great too. Due to your friendly nature, I feel like you would be great at helping other researchers as an Executive.
Bring back the fat suit. ?

Deleted member 2482

I have seen both a lot of excellent documents from you aswell as activity, you have also took the time to join a division. Your application is great and you are nice to be around. The only thing I want to add is that your pac is the reason I have pac3 disabled
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Reactions: brewr

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
-Active in the ScD
-Takes testing/researching to another level (After you finished one crosstest you where already planning your next one)
-Friendly and professional during interactions (I have seen you on F3 a few times to ask permission for your test)

Good Luck!
  • Like
Reactions: brewr

Thomas Stone

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2022
+Support leaning towards +Support
- Active
- Seen on site helping other researchers
- Produced excellent and good documents
- Friendly and helpful
- Active within ScD and takes research professionally

Over the past couple days, You have shown to me that you can be an excellent example, both by helping researchers and being active within ScD. I would love to see you become an Executive and I believe that it would greatly benefit ScD to hire you.


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
As I have seen you On-Site quite a fair bit recently, and you have been professional I would like to give you +Slight Support for the following Reasons:

+Good RP interactions;

-/+ I am afraid, I have not yet had any RP interactions with you as a Researcher I have only ever seen you as " Mall Cop" RRT SGT, GSD Captain.

I'm afraid I cannot just go off by my GSD interactions I've had with you over these past few days which have all been good. The reason I've decided to only go for a +Slight Support is because of the fact that I haven't seen how you treat your Researchers. And although, I understand you most likely treat them how you want to be treated the Research Department can have a few bad apples. Eitherway, I wish you luck!


Application Accepted
Hello Mr Smith, we have decided to accept your application for an executive researcher. You have demonstrated a detailed understanding of what is required from the role and are active within the department in general. There are some issues I and Bennet would like to discuss with you. You may contact me Nuke#8359 or Bennett Brewer#0879 to proceed to the interview stage.
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