Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): AlxeIs2Cool4U
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I have been on the server for over 3 years with a total of 1038 Hours of playtime.
Age: 17.
In what country are you located?: Iraq.
Time zone: GMT+3.
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Alex "Monke" Smith E-11 SGT.
Chaos name (include your rank): Alex "Monke" Ex-CI-Beta
Civilian name: Smith "Monke"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:442142081
Discord ID (name#0000):alxeisog.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
What server are you applying for?: UK
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I have been on the server for over 3 years with a total of 1038 Hours of playtime.
Age: 17.
In what country are you located?: Iraq.
Time zone: GMT+3.
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Alex "Monke" Smith E-11 SGT.
Chaos name (include your rank): Alex "Monke" Ex-CI-Beta
Civilian name: Smith "Monke"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:442142081
Discord ID (name#0000):alxeisog.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes, First application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: The last warning I got was on July ago and has expired, And before that any warn is a year or two old
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: No, But we all have to start somewhere.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, as an Executive researcher I did a Cross-test between SCP 682 and 914, This involved a GM, The Test was pre-planned between me and the GM, 682 would be put in 914 on rough and a pile of dust would be in the output, Then I would use the "/it" Command and say the following "The dust starts to reform" The GM then TPed 682 to the output area in 914 and the pile of dust disappears to signify that 682 was the dust and regenerated into his normal form.
I have many other examples Some of which are in Nu-7 and E-11, But I didn't want to write too much in this part, You can ask me about it and I'll reply to you with the answer.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: On school days I aim for 1 to 2 Hours, But on Thursday Friday, and Saturday I am on for 6-7 hours (I have no life).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: The last warning I got was on July ago and has expired, And before that any warn is a year or two old
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: No, But we all have to start somewhere.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, as an Executive researcher I did a Cross-test between SCP 682 and 914, This involved a GM, The Test was pre-planned between me and the GM, 682 would be put in 914 on rough and a pile of dust would be in the output, Then I would use the "/it" Command and say the following "The dust starts to reform" The GM then TPed 682 to the output area in 914 and the pile of dust disappears to signify that 682 was the dust and regenerated into his normal form.
I have many other examples Some of which are in Nu-7 and E-11, But I didn't want to write too much in this part, You can ask me about it and I'll reply to you with the answer.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: On school days I aim for 1 to 2 Hours, But on Thursday Friday, and Saturday I am on for 6-7 hours (I have no life).
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: The reason I wanted to become a GM is for two things, First I want to help out in the server, I know many people capable of amazing RP but are left out due to bad timing or them playing at different times than the server's high pop, Those who I want to become a GM for. The other reason is that the other day I was in a teamspeak and an event was happening, Some people were complaining about how events aren't like they used to be, And I somewhat agreed And Said that it could be that this event is just not for us, And this is gonna sound corny But someone said in the teamspeak to be the change I want to see.
Now it does sound corny but he is right, Complaining does nothing but annoy everyone, Hence why I want to be a GM.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I don't see how any applicant can differ from any other, All GMs have their own style of events and their own way of making RP, I mainly want to focus on DPTs who lack RP without events like medical and IA they don't seem to be doing much RP outside of some simple stuff, But this is only my point of view.
If I have anything different from other applicants it could be my timezone, As when it is 2 PM for me it is 12 PM for the BST, And I could host events for the early players before high pop arrives, But overall I think everyone has their own creativity and imagination they can use for events, As some events aren't even held by GM like the "baby 939" event that happened 5 months back.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The new chef", An experienced chef is hired by site to boost morale, He would be stationed outside medbay and would cook food for those who ask, He would have 3 stoves to cook for as many people as possible at once, And I wouldn't be the person who plays the chef, I would let Theresa the only chef who RPs play this role, She Would also have an assistant to help her get ingredients from Dblock kitchen, The reason for this event, Is because am always starving and that's the case for most combatives, This would be a nice little thing to add in between combat.
OOC: Lore about the chef, Age: 26, A 175CM female who worked at site 60, She has a culinary education from CIC(The Culinary Institute of Canada at Holland College in Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island), She graduated from the CIC at age 20 top of her class, And being hired a 3 Michelin star restaurant which is a cover-up to hire chefs for site, At site 60 She was booked out by DPTs as she has mastered the art of Culinary, She was most hired by the EC which what led to her being recommended to site 65 for morale boost.
"The new chef", An experienced chef SCP is moved to site to boost morale, He would be stationed outside medbay and would cook food for those who ask, He would have 3 stoves to cook for as many people as possible at once, He would also have an assistant to help him get ingredients from Dblock kitchen, The reason for this event, Is because am always starving and that's the case for most combatives, This would be a nice little thing to add in between combat.
OOC: This Chef is, in reality, SCP 9984.
The TL;DR of this is as follows: He is a human male of eastern Basque descent with a height of 173CM it has no anomalous powers till asked to make food, He is able to make food out of weird abnormal ingredients, As long as they share a similar atomic structure(Molecules atoms Ions etc.), He is also able to make food out of unknown ingredients, Which show normal food properties.
This part is from me, If presented with weird ingredients, The food would also give effects such as nausea or an increase or decrease in height, teleporting away from the area ECT.
I hope this is all possible with the GM tools, And if not am sure I can come up with a way.
The TL;DR of this is as follows: He is a human male of eastern Basque descent with a height of 173CM it has no anomalous powers till asked to make food, He is able to make food out of weird abnormal ingredients, As long as they share a similar atomic structure(Molecules atoms Ions etc.), He is also able to make food out of unknown ingredients, Which show normal food properties.
This part is from me, If presented with weird ingredients, The food would also give effects such as nausea or an increase or decrease in height, teleporting away from the area ECT.
I hope this is all possible with the GM tools, And if not am sure I can come up with a way.
"The little guy", A new person is hired as a doctor for site, Issue is he was exposed to an SCP that made him tiny, Too tiny. This doctor would roam around site and do the job of any other doctor, He would heal people perform ESTs, Give out medication, and help in surgeries.
OOC: I would ask a consultant or the DPT head of Medical for the best SR Doctor or CM they have, I would then talk to that person and see if they are okay with the event happening, If so, We would put the event on a day that is good for as both.
The way he was turned tiny was by an SCP known as SCP-8084(This SCP does not exist).
This SCP is an insect that looks like an ant, It's immune to almost all forms of damage except drowning, Ironic. If placed within the game it would have 25K HP, It does no real harm other than turning people as tiny as it(0.78CM), It turns people tiny by just simply touching them, It as fast as a normal ant and has all its normal looks, The way you get turned smaller is through time, Meaning you will start shrinking slowly till you reach 0.78CM.
The doctor was held by the ant for 2.4Sec before he realised he was shrinking, Its believed that no true damage was done to his brain hence why he is able to continue being a doctor.
On the day of the event, I would size him down to 0.15, And give him the stuff a doctor would have, I would help the doctor in things that need commands and stuff like that, But most of the RP will be left between him and site.
OOC: I would ask a consultant or the DPT head of Medical for the best SR Doctor or CM they have, I would then talk to that person and see if they are okay with the event happening, If so, We would put the event on a day that is good for as both.
The way he was turned tiny was by an SCP known as SCP-8084(This SCP does not exist).
This SCP is an insect that looks like an ant, It's immune to almost all forms of damage except drowning, Ironic. If placed within the game it would have 25K HP, It does no real harm other than turning people as tiny as it(0.78CM), It turns people tiny by just simply touching them, It as fast as a normal ant and has all its normal looks, The way you get turned smaller is through time, Meaning you will start shrinking slowly till you reach 0.78CM.
The doctor was held by the ant for 2.4Sec before he realised he was shrinking, Its believed that no true damage was done to his brain hence why he is able to continue being a doctor.
On the day of the event, I would size him down to 0.15, And give him the stuff a doctor would have, I would help the doctor in things that need commands and stuff like that, But most of the RP will be left between him and site.
"A need for law", On some normal day, Site-60 contacts Site-65 asking if they could send over someone who broke the FLC and needs to be Tribunaled, The Reason is that he is a well-liked guy and people are too biased towards his favor, thats why they ask that he is provided an ambassador as a lawyer and to be judged there.
OOC: He would be tried for unethical termination of three Dclass, Blurry videos and grainy photos would be prepared beforehand and sent to the judge of the case, Who would then give it to the defendant and prosecutor to review, This would be a CL3 tribunal so all could attend, This would also be a fair trail the only place i would come in for is at the start to introduce the guy to site-65, The rest is up to the players.
Edit: The three parties (Judge, Defendant and prosecutor) Would all be informed 2-3 days prior to scheduled a time when everyone is free, And the site will know about the trail an hour before it happens.
OOC: He would be tried for unethical termination of three Dclass, Blurry videos and grainy photos would be prepared beforehand and sent to the judge of the case, Who would then give it to the defendant and prosecutor to review, This would be a CL3 tribunal so all could attend, This would also be a fair trail the only place i would come in for is at the start to introduce the guy to site-65, The rest is up to the players.
Edit: The three parties (Judge, Defendant and prosecutor) Would all be informed 2-3 days prior to scheduled a time when everyone is free, And the site will know about the trail an hour before it happens.
"Weapons talk?!", While CI are in downtime, Johnson's weapon suddenly starts talking, "HEY, Put me down you are your dirty hands!
", Why can the weapon talk?!, Well whatever it is it seems helpful, It gives us ammo and it not a bad weapon, And it can give call outs, But it does not like taking orders.
OOC: I would model myself into a weapon, And play the role, I would stay within the base of CI to not interrupt any other RP, This would be done in downtime when things are calm as well, It would just be a joke event to make everyone laugh a bit.
I know you only asked for three ideas, But I got this fourth one involving CI.
OOC: I would model myself into a weapon, And play the role, I would stay within the base of CI to not interrupt any other RP, This would be done in downtime when things are calm as well, It would just be a joke event to make everyone laugh a bit.
The weapon SCP, Wouldn't be hostile towards anyone, It can shoot but never at a player, If a player trys to harm it, It will run away instead and seek help from another player, It doesn't have a set HP but if needed to kill it, The way would be to put it in water to rust it or in acid or high heat to melt it.
Its powers are giving ammo, Shooting without a player, And high resistance to physical damage, Its also able to talk like a human without a mouth or vocal cords, And the sounds comes from the barrel as it can not shoot and speak at the same time.
Its powers are giving ammo, Shooting without a player, And high resistance to physical damage, Its also able to talk like a human without a mouth or vocal cords, And the sounds comes from the barrel as it can not shoot and speak at the same time.
I know you only asked for three ideas, But I got this fourth one involving CI.
"The sales man", On a normal day for CI loud consistent knocking can be heard on the CI entrance blast door, CI would ignore it, but it won't go away, After gathering the men and forming a firing line the door opens, They see a man in a brown suit with a black suit case, The man says "Interested in buying?", CI Can tell this isn't a normal human, wanting to figure out what it is they invite it in, And that's their biggest mistake.
This event would come back a few times as it takes new orders and gives the product to who ordered.
Lore of the SCP: Its SCP-1879.
TL;DR, The SCP 1879-1 is the door itself, It does not change how the door looks but it marks the door as a sort of "SpawnPoint", Whenever a human steps within 2 meters of a -1, A SCP 1879-2 is formed, The entity is approximately 1.7m in height and appears to be of Caucasian descent and indeterminate age, Being about 29~39, Once it appears a constant knocking will start of the door till it is opened, once opened the SCP would let itself in and introduce itself as a salesman.
This SCP sells stuff ranging from but not limited to LP record of "Abbey Road" signed by all four members of The Beatles, a leather belt, and a Glock 18 pistol.
Once you announce you are buying any item, it will give a price that doesn't involve money most of the time, Example(Taken from the SCP website):
TL;DR, The SCP 1879-1 is the door itself, It does not change how the door looks but it marks the door as a sort of "SpawnPoint", Whenever a human steps within 2 meters of a -1, A SCP 1879-2 is formed, The entity is approximately 1.7m in height and appears to be of Caucasian descent and indeterminate age, Being about 29~39, Once it appears a constant knocking will start of the door till it is opened, once opened the SCP would let itself in and introduce itself as a salesman.
This SCP sells stuff ranging from but not limited to LP record of "Abbey Road" signed by all four members of The Beatles, a leather belt, and a Glock 18 pistol.
Once you announce you are buying any item, it will give a price that doesn't involve money most of the time, Example(Taken from the SCP website):
Its to be noted once the SCP offers a price it will not go away till the sale is done, If it is attacked or wounded it will retreat for the time being.Object Received: One (1) red rose
Price Statement: "All I'm asking for is your heart."
Results: Subject expired due to the demanifestation of his cardiovascular system.
I know this SCP does not exist in Canada but I thought it would go nicely as an event and hey SCPs are abnormal so there shouldn't be a normal of where its at :3.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"Site Has Fallen" Its Code black, Every SCP is on the loose, ERT Has died all hope is lost, As O5 reaches for the nuke Type Green breaks down the door and kills the O5, The Nuke hasn't been called and the Site Advisors on the surface know that surface will be in danger if nothing is done, SA contacts whatever is left of the tech expert team and tell them to disable the elevators and that the very safety of pinewood depends on that, The tech experts just manage to do so before meeting their fate, The SCPs are sealed within the remains of the site, Most of SA has escaped and managed to call in more ERT, This time they can't fail.
OOC: The Idea of this event is the map would be changed to a destroyed version of the site, GSD Dclass E-11 and misc roles (Tech expert ect.) will be changed to a weaker version of ERT to try and retake the site maybe even with the help of GOC(depending on where they stand when this event happens), While CI see this as the perfect time to kidnap the CL4 staff that are hiding in garage, This is where DEA, Nu-7, A-1, and O-1 would come in, As they try to fight off CI and protect the SA, ECA Ect.
The people playing the SCPs will be non-GMs but would be handpicked by GMs to avoid Minges from playing SCPs like 939.
I have had this idea in my mind ever since they added triple breaches 2 years ago, And it would be difficult to pull off, But would be one hell of an event.
OOC: The Idea of this event is the map would be changed to a destroyed version of the site, GSD Dclass E-11 and misc roles (Tech expert ect.) will be changed to a weaker version of ERT to try and retake the site maybe even with the help of GOC(depending on where they stand when this event happens), While CI see this as the perfect time to kidnap the CL4 staff that are hiding in garage, This is where DEA, Nu-7, A-1, and O-1 would come in, As they try to fight off CI and protect the SA, ECA Ect.
The people playing the SCPs will be non-GMs but would be handpicked by GMs to avoid Minges from playing SCPs like 939.
I have had this idea in my mind ever since they added triple breaches 2 years ago, And it would be difficult to pull off, But would be one hell of an event.
O-1: "Can't forget basics", On a normal day in site, An ECM Presses his panic button, O-1 starts sweeping ECO and one of them sees text on a wall, "Have you forgotten the basics?", As the O-1 reads that he gets teleported to a white room separated by a glass wall, On the other side is the ECM handcuffed with a gunman behind him, The O-1 is then asked questions about the COE, They have to answer 5 correct out of 8, And if they can't, The ECM will have a hard time.
OOC: I would first ask an ECM for permission to kidnap him for the event, I and the ECM would prepare the questions, They would be simple and not too complex, any O-1 who reads the text would be teleported so any amount of O-1 can be in the white room at once.
OOC: I would first ask an ECM for permission to kidnap him for the event, I and the ECM would prepare the questions, They would be simple and not too complex, any O-1 who reads the text would be teleported so any amount of O-1 can be in the white room at once.
The SCP that kidnapped the ECM is something like the event "Site-24 The Death Game show", This SCP is also a reality bender and is much stronger than TG and 8837, Its able to make matter out of nothing and even change how others think, But what limit its powers is that for it to kill someone they need to be a victim of their death game show, Meaning it will never out straight kill someone but would put them on the game show and wait for them to get a question wrong before killing them.
This SCP is sentient and can be reasoned with, It has a functional brain and anatomy of a human, How it looks is unknown as it wears a mask and a suit with gloves, Its to assume that it has a height of 189CM, But that can change as it can change its own looks and body parts.
This SCP does have feelings but most of it is dulled out do to its powers, If an anchor is ever used on it, Its more human feelings would come out such as guilt pity sadness, And anger, When under no anchor effect all its feelings are fury bloodlust and hate, its recommended to only reason with it once an anchor is down, And if needed to reason within without one, Well It wouldn't listen.
This SCP is sentient and can be reasoned with, It has a functional brain and anatomy of a human, How it looks is unknown as it wears a mask and a suit with gloves, Its to assume that it has a height of 189CM, But that can change as it can change its own looks and body parts.
This SCP does have feelings but most of it is dulled out do to its powers, If an anchor is ever used on it, Its more human feelings would come out such as guilt pity sadness, And anger, When under no anchor effect all its feelings are fury bloodlust and hate, its recommended to only reason with it once an anchor is down, And if needed to reason within without one, Well It wouldn't listen.
A-1: "The Ordinary Man", O5-5 "The Ordinary Man" Comes to visit site-65 one day to remind them of normal, As A-1 escorts him to F3 They look away for a moment, and when they look back He vanishes, A-1 need to find him, But the issue is, he is too normal He looks like every other doctor and researcher, And its A-1 to find out where he wandered off to.
OOC: There isn't much to be explained but I wouldn't end the event once they found him, But would ask for a tour of site and comment about how abnormal things are, But wouldn't ask for anything to change, The reason for that is to give A-1 some laughs about how this person can be a member of O5.
OOC: There isn't much to be explained but I wouldn't end the event once they found him, But would ask for a tour of site and comment about how abnormal things are, But wouldn't ask for anything to change, The reason for that is to give A-1 some laughs about how this person can be a member of O5.
Nu-7: "Have you trained?", [O-Comms] <Site-60(Nu-7)-Site-65> "Establish secure comms? Y/N", Once established, "<Site-60(nu-7)-Site-65> "We are wounded, We are about two kilometers from your site, We need aid, Open the gates for us."
OOC: This would follow a wounded Nu-7 LT from Site-60, Whose site got attacked and overrun by CI, As he was the only one to escape He heads to Site 65 to make sure they are prepared for something as bad as the raid that happened to him, This event would be somewhat of a training, That would include dupes on the GM plain.
Lore about the Nu-7 LT: Nu-7 LT Neal "Fear" Hyland from Site-60, At the height of 201CM, of Indian descent, He is the embodiment of bravery, Yet he failed. How ironic.
The Nu-7 LT would train the Nu-7 by using two Dupes made by me, One which would consists of a large forest area, And the other Which would include barricades broken down cars derbies ECT.
The training would be recommended to the Nu-7 CO's if refused the event would mainly focus on his story.
OOC: This would follow a wounded Nu-7 LT from Site-60, Whose site got attacked and overrun by CI, As he was the only one to escape He heads to Site 65 to make sure they are prepared for something as bad as the raid that happened to him, This event would be somewhat of a training, That would include dupes on the GM plain.
Lore about the Nu-7 LT: Nu-7 LT Neal "Fear" Hyland from Site-60, At the height of 201CM, of Indian descent, He is the embodiment of bravery, Yet he failed. How ironic.
The Nu-7 LT would train the Nu-7 by using two Dupes made by me, One which would consists of a large forest area, And the other Which would include barricades broken down cars derbies ECT.
The training would be recommended to the Nu-7 CO's if refused the event would mainly focus on his story.
His story if used: On one quiet night, Nu-7 are in surface bunks playing cards, Except three who are watchman for the night, One of which is LT Neal "Fear" Hyland, Neal thought it would be a quiet night as it has been for the past month, As he was chatting to the man next to him, A sniper bullet goes through his head, Cold body falls on the ground, The LT is shambles hides inside the watchtower, But he forgot his job, He needs to warn them.
But no, He cares more about his life, He runs into garage, grabs a humvee and drives away from site as bullets go through his car.
He lied to site-65 Site didn't fall because of an overwhelming amount of CI, it fell because he didn't do his job.
But no, He cares more about his life, He runs into garage, grabs a humvee and drives away from site as bullets go through his car.
He lied to site-65 Site didn't fall because of an overwhelming amount of CI, it fell because he didn't do his job.
E-11: "Stop mocking me", A weird SCP has appeared on site, It first appeared in medbay and it seems to just copy any word that is followed by "I just want to [Activity]" Or anything along those lines, It also shapeshifts to whoever says that thing Example: SR Doctor Alan crane "I just want to rest", The SCP would shapeshift into Alan crane and keep repeating the line "I just want to rest" Every 20-30 Seconds.
It's up to E-11 to secure and contain this SCP and find out if it's any danger to site.
It's up to E-11 to secure and contain this SCP and find out if it's any danger to site.
A full explanation of this SCP, The SCP would have 15K HP his normal look would first be like type green-A, The SCP has the following powers, Shapeshifting teleporting and cloaking, It can turn hostile but would do no physical harm but instead would try to do mental damage to the person who harms it, This would work by use the 323 swep on that player, The SCP will also cloak and disappear if it thinks its in danger.
E-11: "Deer in the walls", On one fine day in E-11 bunks, Its downtime and everyone is as bored as ever, CO's talking about changes, And while CPT REDACTED Was writing a document he noticed that his landline phone is missing, He put his clipboard down and looks around, When he came back his clipboard was gone as well. . . "What? Who is messing with me? This is not the fucking time for this." As the CPT turns around he sees IT, A deer with eyes so abnormal it's awful its legs are weird, And as soon as it appeared it disappeared. . . . . "/e11 I think there is a deer in our bunks. . . ."
OOC: The SCP is SCP-6448, The TL;DR is simply that its a deer with abnormal features as follows.
. Legs bent backwards
. Barrel-chested/bloated abdomen
. Emaciation
. Eyes belonging to unrelated animals
. Forward-facing eyes
. Jerky movements
. Loss of fear towards humans
. Tendency to walk on two hind legs
. General bodily disfigurement
This SCP is known to stalk humans and steal their weapons and objects, Its unsettling to see this deer, Now my part in it is to allow it to turn invisible to add suspense, The Deer would hunt E-11 and take items from dispensers that they used, suddenly appear behind them and disappear, Slightly damage them to scare them.
Its up to E-11 on what to do with the deer I don't really think there is a "Must-Path" They should use and I would adapt as the event goes.
. Legs bent backwards
. Barrel-chested/bloated abdomen
. Emaciation
. Eyes belonging to unrelated animals
. Forward-facing eyes
. Jerky movements
. Loss of fear towards humans
. Tendency to walk on two hind legs
. General bodily disfigurement
This SCP is known to stalk humans and steal their weapons and objects, Its unsettling to see this deer, Now my part in it is to allow it to turn invisible to add suspense, The Deer would hunt E-11 and take items from dispensers that they used, suddenly appear behind them and disappear, Slightly damage them to scare them.
Its up to E-11 on what to do with the deer I don't really think there is a "Must-Path" They should use and I would adapt as the event goes.
CI: "Is this for sale?", CI was contacted by a usual buyer, He asked if he could go to their base personally and he consented to be blindfolded and taken there, The reason? Well, He is tired of just hearing about the SCPs he wants to see them with his very eyes, CI Agrees, As why would Johnson give up easy cash? And so he is transported to the base, After arriving he inspects the SCP, and starts a discussion about the price.
OOC: This would happen as SCP 323 or 8854 is kidnapped and not SCPs that are stored in the foundation, As if it's with Surface SCPs no harm is done to other factions if sold.
OOC: This would happen as SCP 323 or 8854 is kidnapped and not SCPs that are stored in the foundation, As if it's with Surface SCPs no harm is done to other factions if sold.
Lore about the "Buyer": Reed Walter who is known for his underground name as "The inspired", A wealthy man who gains his money from selling art, His Art is "Abstract" And suspected to be made from real human blood, This Man is from Asian descent whose height is about 189CM age ranging from 35~40, The reason he is called the inspired is due to the fact most of his paintings are inspired by people killed by SCPs, The SCPs which he bought.
His paintings was never suspected to be a result of CI due to the way he moves them around, Using mules trafficking ECT., To make sure he is never caught.
He has bought from CI before but never the one near SITE 65, He heard about SCP 323 and 8854, And he couldn't hold in his excitement when he thought about 8854 who can strip someones flesh and skin, And how 323 makes people go insane, He was Inspired.
He knew some CI-C from the CI base near Site-60, And he used some phone calls to get incontact with site 65, Which brings us to today.
His paintings was never suspected to be a result of CI due to the way he moves them around, Using mules trafficking ECT., To make sure he is never caught.
He has bought from CI before but never the one near SITE 65, He heard about SCP 323 and 8854, And he couldn't hold in his excitement when he thought about 8854 who can strip someones flesh and skin, And how 323 makes people go insane, He was Inspired.
He knew some CI-C from the CI base near Site-60, And he used some phone calls to get incontact with site 65, Which brings us to today.
UNGOC: "The enemy of my enemy", In the main lobby of UNGOC a weird door appears, And out comes a man in a suit, "I know you guys are not a fan of people with powers like me, But I need help killing a... What do you call it? Ahh a Reality bender"
OOC: This can go both ways, If they want to help the man, They would be taken to a dupe of a broken down house that is twice the size of the ranger building, The TG would not be hostile as to give a chance for UNGOC to RP instead of shooting on-site, The TG Would comply till UNGOC becomes hostile towards it, If UNGOC Don't want to help the man, And instead try to capture him, The man would take on the appearance of a UNGOC and hide in their base, And GOC has to find him.
OOC: This can go both ways, If they want to help the man, They would be taken to a dupe of a broken down house that is twice the size of the ranger building, The TG would not be hostile as to give a chance for UNGOC to RP instead of shooting on-site, The TG Would comply till UNGOC becomes hostile towards it, If UNGOC Don't want to help the man, And instead try to capture him, The man would take on the appearance of a UNGOC and hide in their base, And GOC has to find him.
Both SCPs would have their own powers, Lets name the suited man TG-C and the other bender to TG-D, First TG-C, He would have all TGs powers and ontop the power to cloak teleport and regrow body limbs, Aswell as being able to summon doors to travel to different areas in the universe.
While TG-D would have 8837s powers he would also have super human speed and strength too fast for TG-C to escape from hence why he is asking for help, TG-D isn't hostile towards anyone except other reality benders.
TG-D would have 30K HP as he is physical stronger, while TG-C Would only have 10k.
While TG-D would have 8837s powers he would also have super human speed and strength too fast for TG-C to escape from hence why he is asking for help, TG-D isn't hostile towards anyone except other reality benders.
TG-D would have 30K HP as he is physical stronger, while TG-C Would only have 10k.
Why the hatred?", reality benders think they are stronger and smarter, But they need to prove that over each other, They need to be the stronger reality bender, Buy TG-C Knows he is weaker and can't fight TG-D, He is the exact opposition of him, He needs help from someone smarter someone who deals with this stuff, "Ugh, I can't believe am doing this.", He sighs before escaping to GOC base to ask for help.
Foundation Staff: "The retired doctor", A doctor would be transported to Site-65 who instead of waiting in medbay would go around fixing injuries that aren't even there, and giving meds to those who don't need it.
OOC: This event would be more of a funny event, As I would give people weird effects, Example: "You crouched for too long now you are shorter, let the doctor fix that", The doctor would then do surgery that increases his height, I would just size him up to 1.1, Its also to give the medical DPT something fun to do as SR doctors would assist in these "Surgerys", And everybody would be included, It would be something like the interdimensional bar event that happened last month.
Also, The doctor is not an SCP he is just very incompetent and gives the wrong medication.
OOC: This event would be more of a funny event, As I would give people weird effects, Example: "You crouched for too long now you are shorter, let the doctor fix that", The doctor would then do surgery that increases his height, I would just size him up to 1.1, Its also to give the medical DPT something fun to do as SR doctors would assist in these "Surgerys", And everybody would be included, It would be something like the interdimensional bar event that happened last month.
Also, The doctor is not an SCP he is just very incompetent and gives the wrong medication.
Edits: DD/MM/YYYY TimeGMT+3
EDIT 03/25/2024 5:40PM: Added a full explanation for SCPs.
EDIT 03/26/2024 2:16PM: Added a slight bit of color.
EDIT 03/26/2024 4:56PM: Added lore to the chef and the little guy.
EDIT 03/26/2024 11:25PM: Changed "The new chef" event, Added a replacement for the "Weapons can talk?!" Event Clarified the "Need for law" Event, Clarifed The "Have you trained?" Nu-7 event, Added more story to the "Enemy of my enemy" Event for UNGOC, Added lore for the buyer in "Is this for sale?" Event for CI. And a bunch of other minor additions and clarifications.
EDIT 03/28/2024 1:56AM: Added another event to E-11 as I remade an event by chance whoopsie.
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