Alexander Christof's Executive Researcher App

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 25, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68635369
Discord name: Toriwarior٣٠٠٥٥#3790
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've been on for around two weeks so far
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: Eastern Time Zone, New York
Character name(s): Alexander Christof (Foundation), Houston Boston (CI)
Civilian name: Abramovich Verenich
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chaos Insurgency Alpha
MTF E-11 Private

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received one metagame warning, I do not remember what I did but it was when I was new and I have read up on all the rules since. I received a warning for failrp, I used my microphone as SCP-049. And I have another warning for failrp for using a matador against infantry, I'll admit that I failed to remember rule 2.2 during the heat of the moment. I've learned my lesson from all three warnings, and I've made sure to re-read the rules to avoid any future accidents.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I've had an affinity for leadership/senior positions ever since I started roleplaying on garrysmod. I enjoyed being the delegator and being one who provides guidance to subordinates. Roleplaying as a researcher on the server has been nothing short of excellent, I've performed multiple high clearance tests and low-level tests and I've been in love ever since. I'd love to help show those who play in the research department how to better apply themselves to improve their and other people's roleplay. I've enjoyed the seniority that Sr researcher provides for me, the roleplay pathways that open up seem limitless. I want to expand my research horizons and I believe that being an executive researcher will help me achieve that.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe my experience with leadership in garrysmod in general as well as my affinity with roleplay will allow me to be an excellent Executive Researcher. I believe I can help other research players improve their roleplay experiences by providing guidance on how to write documents and conduct research in general. I've had multiple situations as a senior researcher where I had to oversee low-level experiments and provide assistance to juniors and regular researchers and I really enjoyed it. My passion for helping others understand how to better roleplay within the research department and my level of maturity makes me a suitable candidate for Executive Researcher. And I think that my addition as an Executive Researcher will better the department as a whole.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have had three documents graded as excellent. In my opinion, what makes a document excellent is its structure, uniqueness, and clarity.

The most important part of a research document is for it to be unique. Unique research is fun research, encouraging people to think outside of the book, outside of what has already been done will allow them to create awesome documents that highlight the unique roleplay experiences they've created.

Also, the structure of a document is just as important. A document needs to be clear and not confuse the reader, that's most commonly achieved through the use of one of a simple structure of introduction, body, and conclusion. For research papers, that is the aim/hypothesis as your introduction, methods and experiment logs as your body, and conclusion as well...your conclusion!

Finally, clarity is also important. You can create a unique research and a well-structured document, but if it doesn't make sense then it will not achieve its full potential. Your document has to be clear, which means it must be free of grammatical error, contain proper punctuation, and clearly deliver the message it is trying to convey.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The executive researchers, being second to the director of research, are essentially the overseers for all research staff. They are the mentors as well as direct supervisors for junior and senior researchers alike and are there to provide assistance as well as authorize high-level research for their subordinates. They are expected to be active personnel, constantly checking in on their fellow researchers with criticism and offers of assistance in their conduct of day-to-day duties. And finally, executive researchers are able to review and approve documents to be uploaded to the SCIPNET.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alexander Christof was a recent graduate of MIT's biology program, graduating with a master's degree after completing his dissertation on molecular biology. This generated interest within the foundation, who approached him with an offer to work at one of their facilities as a researcher. And he did just that, he performed his duties, working on biological anomalies with his fellow research staff. After four years of service, he was promoted to the role of a senior researcher and transferred to work at Bio Site-84. He performed his tasks dutifully, being part of the staff working on SCP-2394. Nearing the end of his tenure at Site-84, Christof showed great potential and was put on a list of potential candidates for an open Executive Researcher position at Site-65.
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Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
Not giving a review rn. Just sayin 'Damn all the Exec Researcher apps get all the views!'
Application Denied

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

I have decided to deny your application due to the fact I don't believe you have built up the experience or reputation yet that we require for Executive Researchers. I suggest you work on developing your presence in the department and working on your activity.

Message me on discord if you have any more questions about why your application was denied.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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