Denied All D-Class Get fists

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Active member
Aug 8, 2022
Pinewood, Canada
add: All D-Class receive fists

Suggested before: couldn’t find it when searching

-Regular D-Class can defend themselves
-don’t have to buy a knife
-More interesting Riots

-More Rdm
-Gensec being overwhelmed by a mass of D-class, beating them

I’m not sure why this hasn’t been suggested or added before. I could understand entirety of D-Block beating each other. However they can still do that with knives. Fists aren’t exactly that powerful and Brute and Scout already get fists. Now Type-Blue and Regular D-Class can now defend themselves. As it would make sense, why would D-Class let another one stab them. Also, at times D-Class may not want to waste scrap on a knife. As it could be taken away or be killed before using it, etc. RP wise it could add so much potential. Such as a mass of D-Class rushing outta airlock, fists flying.

Corr "Perseus" Vynd

Active member
Nov 24, 2023
but be aware that you can't use fists to start a riot!!!
- Support for this reason alone, D-Class is the very first job you have access to and get automatically spawned as, can you imagine the mingery that would ensue with level 2 players pushing into airlock with fists, probably ineffective, but nonetheless FRP
D-Class are too mingy, I personally almost never used scouts or brutes in my tests because most of the time they would start punching me and fuck up my test deliberatly just to minge (looking at you DED)
i can't believe this researcher is discriminating against scouts and brutes smh

another perfectly good reason why we need this suggestion

- Support for this reason alone, D-Class is the very first job you have access to and get automatically spawned as, can you imagine the mingery that would ensue with level 2 players pushing into airlock with fists, probably ineffective, but nonetheless FRP
tbh, how about we just have a fists license that you automatically get when you first join the server and it gets taken away if you minge with fists

makes sense on UK server at least, you must have a license to throw hands
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Dr.Mike ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Fists on brute/scout are a reward for unlocking the job.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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