Denied Allow 912 To Speak using a mic.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Remove the rule that 912 is not allowed to speak using a mic.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. It Makes it a lot easier to communicate with other players without either using text (which can take a while to type depending on the player) or the limited voice lines (which both are essentially him speaking anyway)

2. It Allows 912 to interact better with situations around him and the players around him which may also result in better RP with the SCP as it is a much quicker way to communicate with him and vice versa.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: Some Players may minge and or abuse the voice chat and rather just annoy players around them especially since it is harder to deal with barring calling a sit. (TBF tho, this could be said for a plethora of SCPs and players in general with a specific SCP coming to mind being SCP-073)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: It is a massive QoL for everyone involved with 912 being the player playing him or the players interacting with him, and would elevate the experience all around, especially in RP situations that may come up more frequently if this change is added.
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Reactions: Sonny
Jul 26, 2022
- i feel as 912 should be able to talk just when relaxing because when ever i see 912 talk and they dont know they cant talk they just chill and be kind and talk about stuff 912 would talk about while im watching over d-block as a Captain but also i feel taht 912 should not be able to talk during moments where 912 is doing his job and if he does talk to use a voicechanger or not having to yell becuse i feel some would scream during sweep and run around as 912 but just like SCP secret labratory how if you play as computer it changes your voice if that could be made to 912


Well-known Member
Oct 27, 2022
How is 912 supposed to talk? He has no mouth. 912 is litteraly a animate set of police armor. Where is the voice coming from? His radio? Telepathically? No mouth = No ability to speak imo.


Well-known Member
May 2, 2022

SCP-912 Should not be talking at all. He is an anomalous figure with no human inside. He legit is only a SWAT Armor that only follow orders by combative personnel.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jack Kincaid ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

We believe this would make the use of 912s voice line system obsolete, although a suggestion to improving his voicelines/interactions could be considered with enough dev time.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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