Rule Suggestion Allow GMs to place temporary Decals

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.


I know this isn't a rule suggestion, but I'm fairly certain that aside from the implementation of this, I believe that the rules side of whether or not we should be allowed this is a superadmin+ matter. Wouldn't be surprised if it was an NL matter and got escalated, though - Especially since this potentially involves altering the decal system.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Allows GMs (GM+, potentially SGM+ if you feel it necessary to restrict it to them only) to place temporary decals for events. This may require an implementation in the decals system to set a duration for how long a decal will last when placing it - Ideally what you would have is the options of different lengths of time, with permanent only being available to the current staff ranks that are able to place decals.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Searching this subforum for decals brings up nothing relevant.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • Requires less people to be available, if a decal is needed for an event - Especially since decal placing is locked to a specific staff rank. This potentially frees up high ranking staff members for more important duties.

  • The possibility of it being temporary is potentially more performant - When you consider the above, the pipeline right now for getting a decal for an event would be a GM going to the appropriate staff member and saying "Hey, I need a decal placed here," then they place the decal. That decal would then have to be removed later, since we don't want unnecessary things sticking around.

    I recall a 610 event where a decal stayed around in the dark GM plane for a significant time afterwards - It might even still be there. Even though we're on a new decals system now, this would just reduce the points of failure and makes the system a lot more flexible - When we can have a decal that can last up to X time and then remove itself after that time has passed. If we still need a decal to last a long time for some kind of event series or w/e, we can still ask for a decal to be placed the same way we can now.

  • Scenario (As things are right now): A GM runs an event, for which they have a staff member place a decal somewhere on the map that is widely accessible to everyone (Let's say, the blank wall in LCZ immediately to the right as you leave CPC). The event runs, everyone enjoys it, is happy, etc. GM finishes and cleans up, everyone involved forgets that the decal needs to be removed and thus, stays there. That would probably confuse a bunch of people, especially new people if they encounter it - Realistically, people would discuss and say "Oh it just needs to be removed is all" and this is generally a bit of a minor nitpick, but I felt it worth mentioning.

  • Convenience.

  • (@Drxgon's find) Would allow GMs to test decals for an event beforehand, which could prevent last minute panic in the event that the decal isn't behaving as expected.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Not needed.

  • Dev time required to create , may detract from other things - But potentially would be too much effort for too little reward.

  • Any changes needing to be made to the decal system potentially breaking existing decals.

  • May end up going underutilised.

  • Massive potential for abuse.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Credit for this idea goes to @Flare. I personally don't have any event ideas at the moment that would necessitate the use of a decal and if I did, I'd use the current method - But I'm mostly curious about the viability of this and if this is fine to have, then cool. It kinda does and doesn't expand the GM toolset at the same time? Because if we want a decal for an event, again, we can ask - But at the same time, if we want to run an event and the requisite staff rank isn't around... Either we'd have to drop the need for a decal, plan around it or wait for/try and get someone of the necessary staff rank on the server.

...Honestly, you could also solve everything raised here by just opening up decal placing to SGMs, since SGMs are heavily trusted individuals, as well as the fact that decals hugely intersect with RP and lore stuff, which is generally what we're here for, enhancing RP and such - SGMs in my experience are usually more available than high-ranking staff members, but I understand the overall hesitancy behind touching permissions for this.
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