Denied Allow humanoid SCPs to use keypads.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Sep 13, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Making humanoid looking SCPs be able to use keypads that need no keycard.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

There are a lot of reasons why this could be a positive suggestion because of many reasons.

- Adds more chance for RP (e.g passive breaches dont have to break cl0 doors.)
- Makes sense for humanoid SCPs to be able to press something.
- Not really a positive but SCP-173 can use keypads so why can't the other humanoid SCPs do that?
- Allows for easier travel for SCPs
- Gets rid of the constant breakage of doors that Tech experts need to fix

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

While negatives do exist they are quite small. Like for example:

- SCPs will be able to sneak around a lot more
- The path of an SCP could be more hidden (e.g all the doors from 682 towards primary hcz elevator are all broken. Showing the path of the SCP)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This suggestion should be accepted because of the RP it would allow aswell as it decreases the inconvenience of broken doors.

REMEMBER! YOU NEED TO PRESS THE UP ARROW NOT DO +SUPPORT. I do still appreciate the +supports!!
Last edited:
Sep 13, 2022
-Just a question, but what would be humanoid? 106 is "humanoid" but i dont think he should have the ability to open doors, hes sludge
Made of solid material in the shape of a humanoid. e.g. 076, 8837, 049 and 457. I guess 106 would be able to since he isnt just sludge but more of a solid goo but I get what you mean
-It's hard to passive RP as 7722, 8837 or 076
-Doesn't make shit sense that 173 can open doors when humanoids can't
-Why isn't this a thing yet?

049 already can open doors and 457 doesn't make sense as he is simply a living flame.
SCP-7722 should also be able to open doors.
SCP-106 should not be able to open doors as the keypad would simply corrode when he touches it

Made of solid material in the shape of a humanoid. e.g. 076, 8837, 049 and 457. I guess 106 would be able to since he isnt just sludge but more of a solid goo but I get what you mean


Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Artist Team
Aug 23, 2022
The amount of times I've tried to sneak around as a breached SCP and got caught due to me only being able to break open the doors is way too many
7722, Type Greens, 076, 8837 are all humanoid things, it makes so much sense to let them all open a door normally
Sep 13, 2022
+/- Support
Only allow this for humanoid sapient scps that could realistically learn how to open a door, not 106 because 106 isn’t intelligent enough for that.
Yeah that's basically what I mean. I never said 106 should be able to I would just say that he could. (would have no use since he can literally just walk through it)
+support for any SCP that could resonably learn to open a door (and not destroy it in the process), so something like SCP 9000 or 096 could. 457 should just melt through the door (walk through like 106) tbh i never see anyone play it lol
imagin 457 walking through doors AND spawning in LCZ: Fun but not broken, i would love that
casper needs to cook on a suggestion like this
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Super Administrator
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Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Jesse,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The reason SCPs cannot open doors is due to balancing, as if they were able to freely move within the site it would make them much more mobile and foundation wouldn't be able to keep up (especially since many SCPs already have movement speeds higher than the standard 240).

173 can open doors because of a mechanic in SCP:CB. 049 and 035 can open doors as it is part of their breach gameplay loop. 912 can open doors as it is part of his non-breach gameplay loop to patrol the site.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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