Denied Allow SCP-073 to pick up Sample syringes and lab equipment

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 14, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Gives SCP-073 the ability to pick up Sample Syringes, Conical Flasks, Beakers, etc.
Currently 073 does nothing within the facility; they're non-combative and incapable of picking up any items, they're supposed to research but cannot give credit or even collect samples.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Allows 073 to collect samples and mix/store chemicals, giving them something to do on site.
May be a preferable alternative to using D-Class when collecting samples from particularly hazardous SCPs due to 073's anomalous effects preventing them from being harmed.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Potential to abuse chemicals with harmful effects, e.g. Brodamine's ability to damage equipment and electronics.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Currently SCP-073 does nothing on-site besides observe current events and participate in Research with other Researchers, they are virtually incapable of doing anything by themselves due to their lack of ability to grab any items or give credit. This suggestion would allow 073 to be a safer way for players to collect samples from some exceptionally dangerous SCPs without any of the issues that typically arise from escorting D-Class and would also allow 073 players to create various chemicals with the samples they collect. In order to counteract any risk created from them becoming capable of carrying lab equipment you could just remove 073's ability to drink, or make all chemicals produce no effects if drunk by them.]


Jun 14, 2023
+/- Neutral
073 could be used as a better d class. Because 073 would be immortal, less anoying, easier to use cuz no ethics and can't get infected.
Fair, didn't think of that while writing this.
There is only one 073 though, and dozens of D-Class. Maybe require authorisation from a Senior+ researcher before using 073 to collect samples?


Jun 14, 2023
008 doors when they break:
Anybody with Cl3 + Hazmat suit can do that anyway. E-11 should be guarding HCZ and since 073 has no way to fight back, beaming them would be easy.
This was also just a suggestion, not a fully developed idea considering every possible rule and restriction 073 would have to follow with the ability to interact with chemicals and samples.
Aug 27, 2022
Anybody with Cl3 + Hazmat suit can do that anyway. E-11 should be guarding HCZ and since 073 has no way to fight back, beaming them would be easy.
This was also just a suggestion, not a fully developed idea considering every possible rule and restriction 073 would have to follow with the ability to interact with chemicals and samples.
The thing is on Low Pop time No E11 is guarding 008 24/7. If 073 picks up the syringe and drops it later, it breaks, and an accidental
008 breach would take place.
of course, we can permit 073 to pick up 008 syringes/sustains.

so for now +/- neutral

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi Patches,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
We believe 073 would abuse this. We also think that 073 has no need to make chemicals - just go onto Researcher

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.
Thanks again
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