Denied Alpha-1 Commander job weapon change and EBR stat change

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion has 2 parts to the loadout change (Both have been approved by UK and US A-1)

Commander Mossberg Change
Replace the Mossberg with the MK8 LMG, this is the weapon the Alpha-1 Commander job had before it was swapped out with the Mossberg and is the current secondary weapon given to the Nu-7 and E-11 commander jobs.

EBR Weapon Stat Change
Copy the stats of the QBZ to the EBR then modify it slightly so the EBR isn't just a reskin of the QBZ. An example of how the stats could be modified is by reducing spread slightly and slightly increasing vertical recoil. This would make the EBR a bit harder to use than the QBZ but would reduce some of the RNG of spread.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • The EBR is probably the worst rifle A-1 has out of the 3 and it is given to officers, changing it to be a side grade to the QBZ makes it a bit more usable and makes it more familiar to use swapping between specialist and officer jobs.
  • The MK8 LMG is quite low damage compared to other LMGs and is already given out to the other Commander jobs, it allows the job given to 2 people on the server to be a bit more versatile in certain situations.
  • The officer/commander job will be a bit more utilised, a lot of COs (at least on the US server) don't use the job too frequently because they dislike the weapon.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • None that I can think of

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The EBR is currently the most disliked weapon A-1 has, copying the QBZ stats onto it and then modifying it slightly allows the EBR to be a balanced weapon on par with a weapon A-1 already has, a lot of weapons already have similar stats too so this wouldn't be that outlandish to have the gun issued to officers be a sidegrade to the one issued to NCOs.

The Mossberg makes no sense for the Commander job to have, it is useless in nearly all situations and it is shared with the CI Commanding Officer job, changing it to the MK8 LMG would allow the A-1 Commander job to have a more consistent with the other MTF Commander jobs (Nu-7 and E-11) as well as allowing the A-1 Commanders to have a more versatile loadout for protecting members of O5 against large groups of enemy combatants and SCPs. It would also make the Mossberg a unique weapon for the CI Commanding Officer job which frankly makes a lot more sense for CI to have compared to A-1.

These suggestions are also proposing a similar loadout to what A-1 used to have, the A-1 Commander/Officer jobs used to have the QBZ and the Commander job had the MK8 so giving the MK8 back and modifying the EBR to be a QBZ side grade is consistent with what the A-1 Commander/Officer jobs have had in the past.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Alpa ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons. Reason: The Mossberg being replaced with the LMG would not make sense at all, and the EBR is prretty much the same if not better than the QBZ in certain ways so it doesnt need to be changed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
  • Wow
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